Chapter Thirteen

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Author's POV:

A cute little thing came out. When Kook saw that, he gave me the creature quickly and ran towards the little bunny in excitement.

Taehyung's POV:

Kook started jumping happily while holding the little bunny, but stopped when the little bunny jumped out of his hands and ran towards me. The bunny started rubbing himself against my legs. I gave the creature to Jimin and took the little bunny in my hands.

When Kook saw that, he started pouting.

"What happened, Bub?", I asked him.

"He won't come to me", he said while his pout got bigger.

"Come sit on my lap, then you can put him on your lap", I smirked.

His pout immediately went away, and he started jumping excitedly. When I sat down, he immediately sat down on my lap, and then I gave the little bunny to him.

I looked towards the people standing there, looking at me weirdly. I smirked at them, and they all rolled their eyes.

"Don't tell me you tested every bunny and saw which would fall for you so you could blackmail Jungkook with it", said Jimin hyung looking at me weirdly.

"Maybe I did, maybe not", I said while smirking.

Jimin huffed loudly and put down the dog. He went to fight with Hobi hyung, who was flirting with Yoongi hyung.

Everyone rolled their eyes once again at my possessiveness. Eomma and aunt went to the kitchen, and appa went to the throne room. So now only me, my bun, hyungs and that creature are left.

I looked toward the creature and saw him huffing like a beast. Don't tell anyone, but he is kind of scaring me. He slowly started getting close to me.

He started rubbing himself on Jungkook's leg, but when he didn't get any attention, he glared toward me and left the room while stomping his legs. I laughed at him "serves you bitch". I then looked at Jungkook and saw him kissing the bunny.

"Taehyung, why aren't you getting jealous of the bunny?", asked Yoongi hyung.

Jungkook and the bunny looked at me with their doe eyes, waiting for an answer.

  Jungkook and the bunny looked at me with their doe eyes, waiting for an answer

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"Well, hyung, just look at these two. It just looks like Kook is kissing his own mini version, and when I look at them, it just looks like Jungkook is kissing our baby", I answered back, smirking.

By hearing that, my hyung scoffed while Kook became a red tomato.

I smiled, seeing his face. I took his chubby cheeks in my mouth and started sucking them. Jungkook got redder if it's even possible.

I suddenly hissed when I felt a strong bite on my finger. I looked down at the big bite mark on my hand and then looked at the bunny and saw it glaring at me. He started getting fussy in Jungkook's hand, so he got down from Jungkook's lap and started pulling him out of his pants.

Well, what the fuck? I thought he was on my side. Jungkook got up confusedly.

All of my hyungs suddenly started laughing when the bunny sat down on my lap and started snuggling closer.

I looked at Jungkook and saw him shocked. He then looked at me, and his eyes got teary. Well, damn, I should've gotten a bunny that would've loved Jungkook.

I put down the bunny and went towards Kook.

"Why are you crying, bun?", I asked and pecked his lips.

"He doesn't love me", he started crying.

"Don't cry; he loves you, but he's only a daddy's boy, so that's why", I tried to make an excuse.

"No, I want him to be my boy", Jungkook started throwing a tantrum.

I sighed and looked at Jimin, and he rolled his eyes. I glared at him and mouthed 'for Jungkook'. He huffed but got up anyway. He looked straight into the eyes of the bunny and started chanting a few words.

Kook looked at him confusedly and asked, "What is hyungie doing?"

"He is telling the bunny to be your boy", I answered.

"Ok, hyungie", he said, and he started jumping happily.

When Jimin got finished, the little bunny got down from the couch, went towards Kook, and started snuggling on his feet. Jungkook got happy and started kissing the little bunny.

"Kook, how about you show little bunny his room?", I said with a smile.

"His room?", Jungkook asked, confused.

"Yeah, I made one for him; Nancy will show it to you. Nancy", I told him.

"Yes, my prince", Nancy, one of the maids, bowed down and left.

Kook nodded cutely, and he went with Nancy after pecking my lips.

After Kook went away, I put on my serious face.

"Hyungs, to the basement", I ordered.

With that, all of us went to the basement.

When we reached the basement, we saw three males hanging while being beaten to a pulp. Hyungs looked at me with a questioning look.

"They're the ones who made my kook suffer", I answered.

Hyung's questioning face changed into anger, and as they were going to go to them, I stopped them.

"I need them, hyung. I won't kill them now. I want them to suffer so much that they beg to be killed", I said dangerously.

They nodded and backed away.

WARNING: Sensitive stuff ahead.
I went towards the three unconscious males and threw the water bucket on them. They gasped and fearfully looked around the room. They gulped hard when they saw my red eyes.

"w-what do-o y-you want f-from us?", Jack said, scared.

"Do you remember a boy that you guys raped mercilessly?", I said without any emotion.

When they heard that, their eyes widened.


"We're sorry, please. We didn't have any other choice; our mother's life was in danger. His father wanted us to do that", they begged.

I scoffed at them, "so for your mother, you guys decided to hurt my mate, to break my mate?".

"Even if we wouldn't have done anything, he would've found someone else to do it", one of them said.

I got furious by hearing them not being guilty one bit.

"Bring the guest", I said while smirking.

The guards standing there nodded their heads and came back with a lady. Three of them widened their eyes when they saw their mother standing there, beaten up.

"Teahyung, I don't think Uncle would like you doing this", Yoongi said.

"Don't worry, suga hyung; my appa himself told me to do it", I said, reassuring Yoongi hyung.

He got silent after hearing this.

"Please don't do this", three of them started begging and started crying loudly.

"You broke my mate. You made him hurt. You raped him mercilessly. Why!?!?! Because you did it to save your mother. I will kill your mother to give peace to my burning heart. I would be sure that the ones who ruined my kook are also suffering, and don't worry, that bastard's turn will also come. And if I don't take revenge, then my own father will take it. You are lucky that he isn't the one torturing you guys. Put the lady on the chair and tie her up", I ordered the guards.

The guards did as they were told.

Three of them started begging, "PLEASE NO!".

They started thrashing around when they saw the fuel with me.

"No, please, please. Please, we would do anything", they started crying.

I ignored them and threw the fire matchstick at her. When the fire started, the lady started screaming loudly, and it was mixed together with the cries of her sons.

I felt peace seeing them suffer. They tried to get free, but they couldn't do anything other than hear their mother scream in pain. I threw the water on her when she was on the edge of dying.

As I was about to say something, I heard a little shaky and broken voice, which made me freeze, "h-hyungie".

《COMPLETE》Help my lost soul [Taekook FF] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora