Once again, her heart was shattered. Meanwhile he was looking forward, she was looking back at their past. He just kept improving his things when she didn't even know where she should head to.

"This marriage was never meant to last. I couldn't stay with someone like her for the rest of my life. It happened because of my parents who liked to do everything impulsively as they grew old and I needed a woman to be Daniel's mother for the public."

Eugene felt her legs given out but she stood still, trying to hold her tears.

"I need someone who knows what they're doing to stand beside me. The princess's cousin is a lady who went to master her business major abroad for 4 years after finishing her 5 years of study here. I met her in person twice and her potential reached my expectations."


He untied his shirt's knot and continued.
"I know you're curious why I'm always letting you off the hook when you make a mistake. You're probably thinking if it was Primrose Ashton, I wouldn't let it go."

Eugene lifted her sorrowfully pretty face to meet his eyes.

"You're Daniel's mother and even though you weren't helpful in business, the marriage with you wasn't that bad until that day. I don't really think about what you have done to me but Daniel."


"However, I gave you that land because of how much your parents love the easy money, they may throw you under the bus one day, if that happens, leave them and start your life there. You have the monthly expenses I gave you. That money should be enough to build a decent house and a store and store your goods. You won't starve even if you were left alone."


"I think you'll know what to do when that happens but you're so clueless right now. When you get back, start taking business class. 2 years should be enough for a decent store. You should try to invest in some stores too so you will get used to business and know how to deal with different business partners beforehand."

Eugene didn't know how to feel. This was the first time she witnessed the mighty Callisto Valentine talk this much but her heart was also bitter and hurt. He gave her the advice she didn't expect to hear from him. Was it out of pity or worry?

"Leave now."

Eugene looked at the man who was preparing to go to bed. He must be getting dizzy because of the head injury.


"What else?"

"You love Daniel but have you ever asked him about your marriage with women? Does Daniel like the idea of it…? I know it wasn't my place to say this but I'm curious… you don't take feelings seriously but kids are kids… they're true to their feelings…"

"He has you, his mother, to love him, no?"

Eugene paused.

"These women aren't married to me to be his mother. He has only a mother and that's why I'm allowing you to be here right now."


"You have to be here for him no matter what, as his mother. It doesn't matter if we're divorced and carrying different families. When he becomes my heir, he won't abandon you. You have a safe place to stay for the rest of your life during that time ahead, Eugene Halter."

"... aren't you going to have another child…"
Eugene didn't know why her heart was pounding the way it does right now but clearly, she felt her sanking heart lighter.

"What if I do?" Callisto touched his forehead. It must be hurting because of the cold weather.


Eugene didn't know what to respond so she sat next to his half laying body. He was driving her away from approaching him but she had never felt more delight. The mean words he said vanished from her heart for the moment. After all, for whatever case it was, she was still more special to him than the others.

As Callisto was closing his eyes because of dizziness, he felt one lips touch his.

"Are you really going to marry again…?" She asked when he opened his eyes. Callisto stayed quiet for a moment and answered it in his expressionless way of tone.

"Depends on what Daniel's going to say."

Eugene kissed his cheek as if they were married or lovers but he didn't show his dislike so it must be okay.
She knew he cared about Daniel a lot. Everything related to that boy, he would take it into consideration, no question given. Knowing that he looked out for her and had everything planned for her future, Eugene knew she still had her chance.

"I'm sorry… your head…" Eugene touched the bandage with an apologetic look. When they made eye contact, she just went for his lips and sucked it.

"This is the last time you can do this, Eugene Halter." As his head wasn't in an excellent condition, Callisto let her get ahead with the action. It's as if his head was hurt enough.

This False Marriage Won't Last Anyway Where stories live. Discover now