Farewell Sex (?)

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Callisto didn't look straight at her, he fixed his eyes on the paper, but Eugene was stubborn enough, instead of leaving, she headed to where he was.

"I'm sorry. I promised you that I would never be like that again… but in the end…"

"It's good that you know yourself."

"Aren't you mad…?" When he was too calm about it, Eugene got weirded out. She believed that he would never let someone who dared to lay their hands on him go.

"Let's say we're even this time. But I will have to ask you to stop approaching me every single time you visit Daniel. This is for our own good."

Her shoulders trembled a little to his words. She wiped the flowing tears.
"What if Daniel asks us to? I mean there's gonna be time both of us have to stay there for him…"

"Then we will do that for him."

"Will you take that land back…? The land you signed my name on…"
Because if they weren't going to see each other as they did before, they are strangers. As a businessman, he must want that land back so he could invest it.

"No." The fingers that were brushing the pages stopped. He looked straight at her.

Eugene paused. She couldn't understand why and she couldn't read him at all. She doesn't know what is going on in his mind.

"But why…"

"Sell it if you don't want to have it."

"That's not what I mean… I just don't understand why…"

"You're so naive."

Her expression drooped at his statement. He placed those papers on the table and continued.

"You live with your parents every day but you don't know a single thing that's going on?"

"What…" she was dumbfounded.

"Eugene Halter, your parents didn't want you to marry me because you love me like you thought. Even though they were the ones to propose, isn't my family the one who provided everything? The ceremony, your wedding dress, your wedding jewelry, money, everything is under my expense." He brushed his hair and continued.

"The expenses were never a problem for my household of course. My parents and I don't really care about the money we spent. But after the wedding, your parents were being shady. I gave them two lands so they could invest in their business and provided their storage. I made sure they got what they deserved as my parents in law but up until now they've done nothing with those lands. I let them cooperate their business with the garment factory and instead of trying to manage their business and marketing it, they chose to steal expensive fabrics from the warehouse."

Eugene felt like she was being poured a lot of water on her head. She didn't even know what to think. She had never heard of it and she had never thought that her parents would do that… even if they're not the high class business household, they got pride… but what is this all about… But one thing hit her relentlessly messed up mind. Her hands trembled a little before opening her lips.

"Did… you actually divorce me because of my parents…?"

"No." He took a glass of water and dipped it.
"I was aware of their every move but I let them off the hook since you were married to me. This is not about our divorce but to make it clear for you that you and I won't get back together in the future so you could stop trying. I don't like traitors. Neither does their relatives."

Eugene's heart fell on her toes.

"I'm planning to divorce Primrose next month and I will marry the cousin of the princess."

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