After last night

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Waterdrops wetted the floor as a dazzling figure stood in front of the mirror observing her body's conditions. Red marks left all over every corner of her body. Primrose thought that it would feel unbearable and disgusting to look at but unfortunately she did not feel anything. She had sex with Callisto last night. The unpleasant memory for her heart was a pleasant one for her body. How it felt to be embraced by that man, she remembered well. He left right away after they finished the deeds. She, who was too tired to even lift a finger, just slept herself off. When she woke up, the flooded semens they shared was spilled out of her vagina and some that stuck with her public hair became coagulated. Her back and waist felt a little sore. Her throat hurt and became thirsty like crazy. Those were the signs confirming that the sex was intensely good.

"That bastard…"
When her eyes glossed over her swollen lips, Prim swore at the absent man. He left nowhere on her body in a good condition. It was great that Jeremy went to his hometown for a few days. If he was around, she wouldn't know how to face him after her last night's event with Callisto.

She sighed and called for the maids to prepare her. When they came in, all four of them gasped at the view. Every single place of the Grand Duchess's body is covered in marks that couldn't possibly be done by her lover but their master, the Grand Duke.
"What are you looking at? Do your job." Primrose clicked her tongue. The maids hurriedly bowed down.

"Yes ma'am!"

Because of the visible marks on her nape, she had to wear the turtleneck dress instead of a casual one. The maids gave her light makeup and bohemian hairstyles. The different style made her look rather mature. When the dazzling woman left the bedroom and went downstairs, she peeped with Callisto's tall figure from afar. He was talking to his butler. Probably about his work. As she looked at him, hatred did not cross her mind but their action of last night did. Her face heated up, her entrance throbbed. She could see his spicy naked body through those fancy black suits that he was wearing. The moment her gaze was about to move, he suddenly turned to her direction.
Primrose was startled by the fact that he would think she was peeking at him after they shared a night together and walked away instantly. She didn't want to ruin her pride right away after waking up. Callisto also moved to where she was heading to.

The maids prepared the meals for her when she entered the dining room. Just as she sat down, the same figure she saw from the hallway approached with his eyes on her. She glared at the man.
"What the fuck are you looking at?"

"The object I put my dick inside last night." He mused sarcastically. 

"...!" Primrose glared at him like she was about to murder someone as the maids bowed their heads down. Her appetite was ruined. Seeing his face and talking to him made her full without having to put the food in her mouth. When she got up from her seat, he questioned in a musing tone.

"I didn't see your lover?"

The fancy lady glared at him for the one hundred times and blurted.
"It's none of your business."

Callisto placed a blue grape in his mouth. The fancy lady who always had an immature and fierce vibe got a different vibe today due to her change of clothes and makeup. Even he noticed that she looked older and more mature. But that was just her looks alone, her characteristics were still the same as ever.

"You look good today."

Primrose was surprised. Compliment coming from Callisto's mouth was the most unexpected thing she would have thought of. Is he possessed by some ghosts? As she looked at him in disbelief with her eyebrows curled into each other, Callisto looked at her.

"Don't take the compliment to heart because I like women who look mature and quiet. And you dressed like that after we had sex, I thought you deserved at least a compliment."

"Fucking asshole." She cussed at him. She knew his words and actions were never pure to begin with but she was irritated that she let him have her swayed and confused for a moment.

Callisto smirked watching her reaction and knowing that he successfully ruined her day.
"I like these types of women so much that I'd let them hit their hips on me anytime they ask for it even if I don't have alcohol in me."
He doesn't have sex with random women or prostitutes if he is sober. His stamina is great because he works out every day so anytime he has alcohol, his libido just repeatedly goes up and he would spend a whole night with random women who also want it. The rumor which only the maids here knew and talked about had it that the reason why he never had a heavy drink was because it wasn't just one woman who would deal with the drunk him in a night but more than 3. It wasn't that he's scared of sleeping with many women in just one night but Callisto doesn't like not having control over himself whether it is his body or feeling, everything will go however he wanted them to.

"Who the fuck wanted to know?!"

"I'm letting you know in case there's someday you fancy me to fuck you, just dress like this and hop on top of me."

Their ways of wording phrases to each other always made the maids jump and got goosebumps. They felt like their ears could bleed anytime these two masters opened their lips to talk to each other and right now they feel dizzy. They're openly insulting each other and their mouths have no filter at all.
Callisto smirked at the ragged woman who couldn't find a word suitable enough to respond to him and left the dining room.

The maids flinched to the sudden violent sounds. Primrose hit the dining table with her full force. She wished this table was Callisto's face. He just came to ruin her day before leaving for his work. Her feeling like shit must have made that bastard feel so great for the rest of the day. She wanted to ruin his day just the same as he did hers but whatever she does or says doesn't even irk him. It felt like she was talking to a brick wall when she tried to anger that man. And to think that it was the same man who made her moan all night… she just got even more irritated.

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