"How could he be so mean.."

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"Shh…" the little boy put his index finger on his lips to let the maid who just opened the door know that his parents were still sleeping.

"Oh my…" she covered her mouth and gave Daniel a wink to tell him that she got his signal.

Daniel laughed without a sound. He was scared of waking these two folks up. Even though he was still young, the boy was aware that the scene rarely happened. Eugene wrapped her arms around Callisto's body like she did before she fell asleep but that wasn't the most interesting scene. What made the child happy the most was his sleeping father holding the mother's head in his chest.

"Let us go, young master." The maid whispered but Daniel rejected.

"No, sister. If I stay until mommy and daddy wake up, they will keep hugging each other to please me…!"

The maid gasped. Who said children knew nothing? Well, her adorable young master is an intelligent boy. She chuckled then nodded agreeing with him.

"Sister, leave now…! Leave now."

"Yes yes.."

The maid left in silent laughter. Daniel in his star pajamas fixed his puppy-like eyes at his sleeping parents. Supporting his chin with his hand, he smiled innocently like any baby would when they witness something good. The boy sat like that as the hour passed by, he did not even want to blink. Right then, his father opened his eyes.

Callisto who just got to sleep at 4 woke up to see the smiling Daniel before the woman in his embrace. When he was about to move, his little version stopped him from doing so.

"Daddy no move… mommy will wake up!"

Callisto dropped his body back to where it was. He did not oppose his son. Not even hesitate to do whatever he wanted him to. Daniel smiled showing his teeth to his daddy.

"Daddy is good. Daddy listens well!" He even complimented his father the way his father did to him.



"Daniel should go to shower before daddy then." Said Callisto making Daniel sulk at the command.

"Daddy bad."

"Daddy's not bad. That's your routine."

"Then daddy promised to hug mommy until Daniel came back!" He lifted his pinky finger up.

"Okay.. promise."

"Daniel will go then! Daddy can't go back on promise or your nose will grow long like a carrot!"

"Yes yes."

Daniel stared at his father before leaving the room to find his maid. Callisto closed his eyes again due to sleepiness. The second time he opened his eyes, a soft lips were kissing his lightly.
Eugene who closed her eyes placing kiss on his lips here and there was startled when the unmoving lips started to respond to her kiss. Opened her eyelids, Eugene gasped in her head. Callisto is awake. She just wanted to do the things she had done when they were together. When he came back home, they would spend all night long together, fell asleep on the same bed and she would kiss him like this every morning.

"Cal…" she tried to call his name but the feeling of his hand moved her body to the top of his gave her goosebumps.

Their lips were still colliding as his tongue interfered hers. Eugene lost her breath a few times due to how empower it was. She was perplexed to why would he kiss her so hard but she couldn't seem to find a reason why.


"You're still stealing kiss from a sleeping person, Eugene?" Said he as he backed his lips.

Eugene turned red. It wouldn't be so embarrassed if he didn't remember or was not aware of the kiss stealing in the first place.
"That's not it.."

As she was blushing, he brushed his hand into her dress.
"Daniel will get mad at me if I leave you alone so play along."

"...but you don't have to touch my chest.. ah!"

"Well, it's soft." He pinched her nipples.
"And I didn't say you don't have to kiss me when you were stealing my kiss?"

She wanted to be swayed by this sensation but she was scared. If this action of his happened before last night's event, Eugene would probably be so delighted but right now she felt uneasy. Trying to get his hand off, she responded under her breath.
"You have a relationship with her so…"

"I do?" He asked her back and it's making her perplexed.

"Ah… I don't know…" Eugene tried to suppress her moan to look serious to him. How could she not feel distracted when his venomous fingers were touching her lower body in a slow and steamy way?

"Cal, don't toy with me…" Eugene looked at him as if begging. She knew this man. He sometimes toy with people just to see how stupid they look and she didn't want to be treated like that. 
"Don't treat me like the other people.."

But Callisto, on the other hand, slightly ran his lips over her cheek making her breath unstable. Eugene could feel his hot breath embraced her skin as he whispered.
"Have I ever did that to you?"

Eugene tried to remember how Callisto treated her in the past.. but she couldn't remember any other than him being cold to her. She heard a bell ring in her head when his finger flicked her clitoris. The woman bit her lips as he watched her reaction.


He had never treated her like that. That is right. Since the very first day they met, Callisto only gave her the cold shoulder. But she did not want to look more into the past when there was no sign of him coming back to her since he had slept with that woman. They're legally married and they are wedded, there are plenty of possible chances that they would choose to live together without love since Love has never meant anything to people who do business just like the man who had his finger rubbing her weakest spot. He decided to settle down with her but gave up eventually when she messed things up and made their child involved. If that incident didn't happen, this second marriage of his would've never happened to begin with. Eugene knew herself.
"Ah… ah..!"

'What's gotten into him today?'
Eugene covered her mouth to suppress her own moans. Why is he suddenly being like this towards her? She could never read into him. She doesn't even know what's going on in his head.
"Cal… are you being like this because of Daniel?"

"Me fingering you has something to do with our son?" Three of fingers thrusted into her wet hole all at once making Eugene flinch.

"Because.. hgngh.. you normally never do something like this…"

He lifted his solid figure up, sat on his knees, looking down at the laying woman.
"It's pleasing to see a woman moaning with my fingers once in a while."

"Stop… I don't want this anymore… hgngh…!"

When she pleaded, Callisto removed his fingers just like she wished he would. Eugene covered her face and started to cry all of sudden that even the man had to curl his eyebrows. He got up from the king size bed, heading to the bathroom. Eugene sighed heavily to herself and wiped all the tears away. Anything he could say, he just had to say that to her.
'a woman…'

"How could he be so mean…" briefly, Eugene asked herself. He could just say you but he chose to address her as such. She doesn't even know anymore if he just doesn't care or trying to hurt her feelings.

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