The battles

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As the elemental masters went up to grab their food the ninja excluding Nya and Skylors knowledge were discussing about last night

I cant believe this is a hoax to steal our elemental powers Kai said putting his tray down as he was being served his food

I know right Cole said

This must of been dads warning about not losing at all costs Lloyd said

It is indeed but what you did last night was stupid what happens if you got caught? Garmadon asked annoyed 

Well we dont have to worry about that jay said in his pyjamas 

They looked at him weirdly

What its our day off Jay said as he went to get his food 

Extra cookies as much as i can get Jay said as he warrior gave him three more 

Lloyd got his food and Nya too

When Garmadon went to get his the warrior refused to give him cookies

No cookies for you! He snapped

Garmadon sighed

You work for chen and you leave him these are the consequences Garmadon said as they sat at a table

Yeah it could be worse Jay said carrying his tray over to the table before knocking into mr pale 

Hey watch where your going! Jay yelled

How bout you watch where YOUR going!? Mr pale yelled 

Jay growled before being moved by Zane 

Good job Zane Kai said

It was no problem Zane said as he sat down again

Jay sat down and began eating 

Cool tried to take one of jays cookies but got a slap on the wrist

Hey! Cole yelled

Eat your own! Jay yelled

Dude you got five! Cole yelled

Just then the loud speaker came on 

Ah welcome to the next day i do hope your enjoying yourselves because it will be more exciting later today we have more contest to start soon and here is today's contestants nuro master of the mind element verses bolobo master on the nature element, second Gravis master of the gravity element verses griffin turner master of the speed element 

Well atleast we still get our days off Jay said

And finally Ash master of smoke verses Kai master of fire Chen ended

They looked at Jay with annoyed glances

What you think i knew that would happen?! Jay asked annoyed 

Skylor grabbed kais hand

Hey we will support and dont worry you'll do fine Skylor said pecking his lips

Kai blushed but nodded

25 minutes later

Our first battle Neuro master of the mind element verses Bolobo master of the nature element begin! Chen yelled

Nature verses mind, nature wins Lloyd said

Do not underestimate a power for its abilities can surprise you Garmadon said to his son

Just then neuro used his mind powers and saw what bolobo was going to do and countered it 

Bolobo raised his vines to attack neuro who knew where and when they were coming used them ti his advantage and climbed them

(Discontinued) Nya meets Lloyd pt3 tournament of elements (the final part)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя