Chapter 70: Master Qi is jealous in muffled voice

Start from the beginning

After showing off, he changed to business. Qi Yan straightened his face, sat down and asked them, "Are those two undercover agents on trial?"

"The trial has been completed. The two undercover agents did not penetrate into the senior management, but only mixed with the bottom for a period of time. They can get very little information, and they have not touched our core secrets yet."

Qi Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and the tight curvature of his back relaxed again: "In the future, the people below will have to be assessed and screened every month, and the stors can't be mixed in."

The ruffian and the ambition answered powerfully, "Yes."

Qi Yanzheng was going to take another sip of wine. Yu Guang accidentally caught a glimpse of the brick-like mobile phone in the pocket of the ruffian's trousers: "by the way, old ruffian, why do you still use the old man's phone? It's memorable. Are you reluctant to lose it?"

The ruffian's hand touched it in his pocket and held his old man's machine: "No... I just think I'm used to it."

A strange light flashed in Qi Yan's eyes, and his tone changed slightly: "Oh?"

The ruffian seemed to be a little nervous, and his thighs trembled invisibly.

Qi Yan looked away from the ruffian and waved his hand: "Go down."

After the two confidants walked out of the box, the mobile phone in Qi Yan's pocket suddenly vibrated, and someone sent him a message.

Qi Yan took out his mobile phone and took a look. After reading it, his pupils suddenly tightened. The person who sent him the message was the foreign detective named K. Detective K sent him a pixel blurry photo, and the person in the photo was Rongbao.

Rongbao was imprisoned in a narrow iron cage. Because the space was very small, his body had to curl up. There were other iron cages next to him, and there were some real rabbits in those iron cages.

In addition, there is another man in the photo, whose back stands upright in front of the pile of iron cages, as if he is choosing his favorite pet.

Although he only saw one back, Qi Yan could conclude that this was definitely the so-called former owner of Rongbao.

Qi Yan's fingers trembled with excitement and squeezed his mobile phone hard, as if to crush it.

After a long time, Qi Yan replied to Detective K's message: Help me investigate the man in the photo. You can ask for as much money as you want. You must find out all the 18 generations of his ancestors.

After a few minutes of silence, Detective K offered a price: 500 ounces of gold.

Qi Yan agreed to the price.

After turning off the mobile phone, Qi Yan sighed heavily. After searching for so long, he finally found a clue from the former owner of Rongbao. He only hoped that K could send all the information about the man quickly.

In addition, he wanted to know what the relationship between the man and the velvet treasure was. Is it really just a simple owner, but how could the owner cut off his glands for a pet?

And since they have the heart to cut off their own glands, why do they have the heart to throw the velvet treasure into the auction market in the end? There are many doubts. Mr. Qi Yan feels that things are not as simple as he thought, and there must be deeper things.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Qi Yan returned to the mountaintop villa.

After Rongbao was pregnant with a little rabbit, his sleep time became longer. Qi Yan went out for about three hours, and Rongbao also slept for three hours. He didn't wake up when he got home.

Qi Yan sat at the head of the bed and looked at Rong Bao's facial features.

In the afternoon, the dim sunset afterglow fell in through the cracks in the curtains and shone on the extremely delicate small face of Rongbao. The crow-like eyelashes cast a dark shadow under the eyelids. The white porcelain-like delicate and jade skin has no flaws. This is a perfect work.

Qi Yan did not reach out to touch Rongbao's face, but sat by the bedside and quietly appreciated it. He should feel happy when he became a father, but there was a sour hard stalk in his throat, which made him very uncomfortable.

What made him feel sore was the former owner of Rongbao.

Qi Yan said in a very hoarse voice, "Does he look at you like me?"

After a while, Qi Yan continued to mutter, "I think he will leave you. I think you are boring."

When Qi Yan first met Rongbao, Rongbao was deaf and dumb. He could not express it and didn't understand anything. That kind of Rongbao could only be used as an ornament.

Some ornaments are valuable and can be passed on to the next generation, such as cultural relics, while velvet treasures are the kind of worthless ornaments. If you are tired of it, you will naturally discard them.

After all, Qi Yan still raised his hand and rubbed his fingers on Rongbao's little face: "Baby, I won't think you are boring, and I won't leave you... Never."

Now Rongbao has become much more interesting. Qi Yan is the boring person. After all, he is old and doesn't know what romance is.

Maybe Qi Yan's fingers were too rough, and Rongbao was very painful, so Rongbao was soon woken up. When he woke up, he shouted sweetly, "Master Qi."

Qi Yan picked up Rongbao's armpit and picked him up: "Baby, you have been taking a long nap."

Rongbao thought that the old man had been guarding him all the time, with a simple smile on his little face, and then rubbed his head on the old man's shoulder.

Then Rongbao raised his little face again and stared at the old man's face.

After looking at it for a while, I found that the wrinkles on the old man's face seemed to have increased. Rongbao stretched out his little hand and touched the end of the old man's eyes: "Master Qi... has become old again..."

Qi Yan's face turned black: "..."

Maybe he laughed so many times today that the eye tail lines got worse.

Qi Yan silently put Rongbao back on the bed, then walked into the bathroom alone, stood in front of the mirror and repeatedly looked at his eye tail lines. It seemed that he could not laugh casually in the future.

Qi Yan patted his old face, restrained his smile, and tightened his face.

After the face tightens, the wrinkles look less obvious.

Qi Yan kept this facial expression and went out.

Rongbao was lying in bed and rolling around. When he saw the old man coming out, he immediately came up to hug him.

Qi Yan picked up Rongbao and asked with a straight face, "Rongbao, do I look better now?"

Rongbao nodded very dog-legged: "Hmm."

Qi Yan breathed a sigh of relief and then went downstairs with Rongbao.

The boy Qi Feng didn't live with them anymore. His chattering voice was less, and his ears were much quieter.

As soon as I thought about it, I heard Qi Feng's angry voice: "Uncle."


Qi Yan looked at Qi Feng, who suddenly ran in and was still wearing a professional suit, asked, "Why are you here? Has anyone followed you?"

MTL'rs note: qi feng to qi yan: i heard you miss my loud n annoying voice

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