A Court Of Violet Shadows - Azriel/Jacob

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So I love the 'A Court Of Thorns and Roses' series by Sarah J. Maas. I'm currently on the fourth book, A Court Of Frost and Starlight, and I'm pausing my reading because I'm waiting for the other books to come out and I don't want to finish them and then have to wait for months on end. And I'm dying to write about it, and I still want to write for Jacob Bertrand, so I fancasted the characters. As in Jacob plays Azriel, and so on, but for this fic purpose only Jacob really matters. And I'm adding a new one in.

Spoilers are ahead for this series! Read at your own risk.

So we all know that Rhysand's family is dead, Tamlin's father killed his mother and sister, and I'm pretty sure his father aswell? But Rhys finds brotherhood in Azriel and Cassian, and starts the close circle that includes all three of them, and Morrigan, Amren and eventually Feyre and her sisters, and Lucien. We all know the pairings Rhysand and Feyre, Cassian and Nesta, Lucien and Elain, even though they were hinting at Azriel and Elain, I don't think they will end up together. For a while there so I thought that eventually Mor would be with Azriel, but I much prefer the route they took while adding a queer character into the series. Oh and Amren is with Varian. I haven't read the new book that is for Cassian and Nesta, but I've definitely spoiled it for myself, because I'm pretty sure they get together? But Lucien and Elain haven't gotten together, and I don't know for Morrigan has met her mate/ or lover, but I know there is a character Emerie? That is supposed to be with Mor. I might be wrong, but this is what I'm assuming as I go forward in writing this fanfiction for Azriel.

I have no idea what they are going to do with Azriel but I thought the idea of Rhysand's sister not really being dead was a good idea, because it adds a new character and drama. They never name Rhysand's sister's name but I thought it would be perfect to be Rose.

The foundation of Rose's return is below!

So here's the name and connections for Rose. I decided to name her after the first book, because it resides in The Spring Court and that is where Rose is trapped. It also focuses on Feyre and Tamlin's story, which all around just connects so if Rose did show up that connection would be there.

She is trapped in the tomb, but I'm assuming that everything in the war with Hybern was destroyed in The Spring Court, aside from Tamlin's castle? But to adjust the plot in A Court Wings and Ruin, Rose would show up in the end as she is finally released from the tomb, but just as Tamlin was semi-redeemable, Lucien shows up with The Lost Queen and Rose. I would imagine that Elain would say she sees roses or something that gives away to the fact that she's alive but we have no idea who she is-so it wouldn't matters to the readers. When Rhysand is brought back to life, he sees her, with Lucien, and she runs to him.

Rose would be silent, after years of isolation, but I would imagine she would've been a lively person before, as Rhysand is kinda cold and sarcastic (though very caring), Rose would display her affections for others. I would imagine that she wouldn't just sit on the side lines before in the war that the three boys were in before. As Rhysand was trained to be a warrior and eventually meets Cassian, his mother puts the boys up and cares for them, while Rose would befriend Cassian, even though he tries to be blunt and rude with her, she doesn't take it. She is resilient and can come up with her own backhand comments. She would love to train with Rhysand, but he would never allow her to, then Azriel shows up.

He just changes everything, though Cassian and Rhysand became closer and kinda left Azriel out, Rose didn't. She had an immediate infatuation with Azriel, and the two became good friends. Eventually the three boys became closer. Then the three boys went to war and Rose went with them, where she was secretly training with Azriel, who wanted her to be strong. That's when Morrigan shows up, well they save her actually, and Rose and Morrigan click immediately as Rose tends to her and shows her some battle moves. Morrigan tells Rose everything from what happened to her to after she slept with Cassian, the two had become quick friends before Rhysand saved her. It was evident to everything including Rose, that Azriel was in love with Morrigan, and only the inner circle really knew about Rose's feelings for Azriel. Rose was concerned at first but then Morrigan expressed that she would never be interested in Azriel that way because she was gay, and if she ever was she would never betray Rose. Amren eventually comes into the picture, and the three become best friends, alike a sisterhood as the boys.

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