"Some sweetness for your grinding canines."

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Oh hey, another story in the midst of a large story in process! Well, this is a special occasion by the oh-so-totally-wonderful holiday of love!

Of course I couldn't stop myself!

I'm not a professional writer, still- I know right? What's taking me so long? Haha. But just to let ya know, this might not be as detailed and perfect as other stories. There might be some awkward grammar mistakes and such, so feedback would be appreciated!

And also... this might be a little rougher than my other stories... sickness has the worst timing ever.

Oh yeah- if you haven't, go check out that large story 'our weird friendship anomaly' if you're interested in the supernatural werewolf old-timey fantasy thingy! Uh, yeah! Or perhaps just a regular modern one-shot, called 'You Are Music to My Ears.'

Anyways, enough me rambling, time for a short but hopefully sweet little one-shot story!

I hope you enjoy!

It first started with one little box on her seat.

It was first period and Enid had arrived super late of course, it's not her fault the stupid coffee machine wasn't working. She earned a disappointed sigh from the teacher who just continued writing up on the board.

"Ooh~ someone's got a secret admirer~" the vampire looked over her sunglasses all smug.

"No... freaking... way," Enid tossed her backpack onto the floor, dropped her binders and books, and sat down with the little box in her hand.

It was a rose-gold box decorated with pink ribbons and a purple bow.

Was she... expecting this or not?

After all, it's Valentine's Day.

Enid's eyes scanned around the room and saw little gifts on student's desks or not-hidden away tucked in their backpacks. They all didn't look as nice as the one she was holding in her hand.

It looked... pristine and elegant... like some top high-model fashion company produced this, but when Enid looked around the box there were no labels.

"Well, you gonna open it or what? Damn girl, a box can't be more interesting than what's inside!" Yoko giggled.

"Shut up, I'm just... looking. It's different," Enid nudged the vampire playfully in the shoulder.

"Ms. Sinclair... while I appreciate you being excited about today's holiday, that doesn't excuse you from doing this work," the teacher cleared her throat.

"Yes, ma'am," the blonde mocked and placed the gift box behind her stack of binders.

The teacher finally turned around with a tired look, letting Enid open the box.

Behind her stack of school supplies, she started undoing the bow on top. Unfortunately from how it was so neatly wrapped, it took a few minutes to loosen up.

She finally undid the fabric and for some reason gingerly placed down the ribbons and bow like it was the most delicate glass in the world.

In the process of doing so, she kicked Yoko's feet as she snickered at the way she was handling the box.

She slipped the top from its bottom and it finally unveiled its contents. Enid felt her heart skip a bit at the sight, which shouldn't have done so. A little wrapped candy and a folded note was presented before her.

Sweetness for Sweetness (Wenclair)Where stories live. Discover now