Metamour: Part Four

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A newborn addict, a revolving promise, a gluttonous excitement and a regretful heart.

With every step Dr. Roach took, she felt revulsion towards her own giddiness.

She had found the cure to Edax itself, thus it was her mission to save her friends from whatever insanity Titan was threading through their ears, but the Boss and the Dog had complicated things. What was Roach to do if the Edai refused their cure? She would have to catch and sedate them, but she was no match for an Edax, even the small Dog. And worse, the Boss annihilated an armada of military ships, which he claimed were pirates, but the Boss's chat messages proved otherwise. More military ships would come to defend Titan and Edax HQ would be blown to smithereens–if the insane rogues didn't slaughter everyone first.

Roach was completely at the Boss's mercy. All she could do was show her cards, appeal to reason, and pray the Boss accepts her cure and surrenders for his crimes.

Or, she thought, sedate him as he sleeps and drag him to the lab.

And if the cure kills him?

He's out of control.

Not yet. His mind is stronger than the others. I'll make a plan tomorrow...

After he erases your stupid, WEAK mind with his veiny, powerful cock, right? He's going to KILL you, just like the Dog was about to. Who even are you anymore?

Ha... haha! HA ha HA HAAAAA!!!

Her hand froze on the doorknob of the captain's quarters, but she had no one else to smooth over her jagged soul, so she shut her mind and opened the door.

The Boss wasn't home.

The only thing more fervent than an addict's entitled search was his tantrum after being deprived of his promised goods.

Roach immediately quelled the destructive feeling and replaced it with self-loathful tears, which she washed the Boss's pillows with as she fell asleep.


Dr. Roach woke up alone with a clear head and an acknowledgement the night demons would hunt her if she didn't utilize it.

The clock registered 6:35 am.

Quickly, she threw on her lab coat, made herself somewhat presentable, and rushed out the door. Her first stop: the Lab.

Luckily, no one of note was wandering around and she entered the lab unnoticed. She first had to prepare a large dose of the virus and set up the cooling table, but... it had already been done.

"Crocker, my hero," Roach sighed with relief.

Her second stop: Tom.

She wanted to run but the engineers looked at her, so she walked unassumingly after greeting them with a "Good morning!"

Up the stairs, to the spectacles receptacle, to Tom's cell.

Roach knocked and hissed, "Tom! Still itchy?"

No response.

Anxious, she put on the glasses and realized her worst fear.

Tom was gone. Possibly escaped.

"God, no. No, no, no..." she muttered.

Without bothering to remove the glasses, she ran around the birdcage to check on the rest of the rogues.

Bob was present, but his pancake shape had turned into a seastar.

Roach passed him by and looked into the Archbishop's cell.

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