Chapter 8

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7 Months Later

Kurosaki House 7:30

Ichigo opened his eyes, looking down as sunlight draped the ebony hair of Retsu as she snoozed on Ichigo's chest. He lay there watching his wife slumber, not wanting to wake her. As he ran a hand through her silky-smooth hair, he felt her sigh into his chest, making his skin tingle as her arms pulled her closer. His mind drifted to the events of the past few months as he lay there cuddling into her warmth.

To say that it had been awkward being 17 and already married would've been the world's biggest understatement. It had felt overwhelming in the first few weeks, what with Yoruichi and Rangiku poking fun at him every now and then but he and Retsu had quickly gotten over the awkwardness. Whenever Isane and Toshiro came by to tell her of anything important that was going on it was amusing whenever they called her Captain Kurosaki. He'd only wished Rangiku would stop showing up suggesting baby names.

Funny thing, every time Ichigo and Retsu made love the boy would cum inside her, pumping her womb full of his hot cum. A little concerned about the consequences, Ichigo had asked her about it when they were alone one day. Retsu had laughed and explained. "Well Ichigo, I use a special medical kido spell that acts as a contraceptive. Therefore I won't get pregnant no matter how many times you release inside me. Not that I don't mind!" she added with a wink. She knew that she had placed a lot of responsibility onto Ichigo's shoulders and she didn't wish to add any more for now. While she might have been ready for motherhood, what with being over a thousand years and all, she was content to wait until Ichigo had matured enough for it.

The newly married couple had become accustomed to living at the Kurosaki residence. Many of their neighbors had assumed that Isshin had remarried and were quite taken with the new nurse at the clinic. Inside the house, the family had quickly gotten used to Retsu being there and the changes that were made. Firstly, Retsu had been adamant about removing the poster of Masaki that hung over the wall. When Isshin had tried to argue, Retsu had looked him dead in the eye and used her scary look and tone, "Isshin, how long do you plan to let that hang over Ichigo's head?" Isshin's face had gotten ghost white and quickly complied, taking it down immediately. In his private moments the man would later come to understand how right she was. He'd never realized it, but for all these years Ichigo must've tortured himself over his mother's death because he had to look at her face every day.

Another adjustment that was made for the happy couple was their new sound-proof room. Not wanting Yuzu and Karin to hear anything… lewd, Isshin had Kisuke help put a special material on the walls that made it soundproof. Lucky for the two, because Retsu was a very loud moaner, one of the jokes Kenpachi made when they had returned from the hot springs so that Retsu could gather her things was that most of the Soul Society could hear them (Not that they did….). Kisuke had also taken the liberty of giving them a king-sized bed, made from a sturdier material to withstand the impacts of their love-making.

Kon had been astounded when he first met Retsu. He had done like he had usually did and tried to jump into her warm bosom like he had done with Rangiku and Rukia. He actually did succeed in hitting his target, resting is fluffy head on her breasts. Ichigo watched as Retsu softly lifted him off of her and take him into their room for a quiet chat. 15 minutes later Retsu came out and told him that Kon wouldn't be giving him any troubles in the future anymore. When he went into the room Kon was huddled in the corner shaking, "Ichigo!" he cried, and "You didn't tell me your wife was both hot AND terrifying! It's like you married a harpy!" That last statement earned him a harsh stomp. Regardless, from then on when Ichigo needed to switch to his Soul Reaper body Kon no longer got into any trouble with the ladies anymore.

While Karin was still a bit apprehensive of Retsu's scarier than hell attitude sometimes, both she and Yuzu felt like they finally had a mother again. Ichigo would often come back from Ikumi's grueling work to find Retsu on the couch, the twin's heads on her lap sleeping peacefully. Retsu had joked about how she'd married and also adopted two daughters. Yuzu practically adored her, having lost Masaki at a young age, she came to look up to the woman.

The gang had been rather warmly receptive to her once Ichigo introduced them at the park where he agreed to meet them. Things had gotten a bit… awkward when Chizuru had come up from behind and started groping her stating "There's no way in hell Ichigo's worthy of such delicious puppies!" Ichigo wasn't quite what happened next. All he remembered was Retsu calmly removing the lesbians hands from her breasts and led her behind a row of large trees. Ichigo and the gang felt a cold chill in the air fall upon them before they had reemerged. Chizuru, like Kon, had the look of somebody who just met the Grim Reaper (A.N.: which is kinda fitting when you think about it…). Keigo and Mizuro both looked at each other and kept their comments on the mature woman to themselves.

Tatsuki looked like she was going to throttle Retsu at first. Both she and Orihime had kept their distance from Ichigo and Retsu for a while. About a month ago Retsu had left to go meet them for a one on one meeting. Like the incidents with Kon and Chizuru Ichigo didn't know what happened during the occasion, but from them on the two acted more friendly to him after that.

Ichigo's recollections were disturbed as Retsu looked up, having a beautiful look as she arose from slumber. Ichigo kissed her forehead as he held her tighter, taking in the sweet scent of her hair. "Good morning, Retsu. You sure seemed to sleep well."

His wife chuckled and returned the favor, kissing him on the lips. "I had a lovely sleep, Ichigo." She laid her head back on his chest and sighed happily. She chuckled as she got a good whiff of the room's air. "You know, it's getting harder to explain to Yuzu why we need to keep changing the sheets," she said jokingly. As she rose from the bed Ichigo felt a bit disappointed, wanting to feel her warmth next to him for a few moments longer. Still, as Retsu began to dress Ichigo got to see her in all her sexiness. Every single time she undressed was like the first for him, it never failed to light a spark inside him.

"Oh, I think she has a good picture. Dad's been teaching her and Karin the birds and bees lately, so I'm not worried." Once he had gotten dressed he kissed her deeply, "So what's on your agenda for the day?"

Retsu opened the door and turned, "Nothing at the moment. Would you like to go for a nice walk, my dear husband?" she asked with a smile that made Ichigo felt like a winner.

Ichigo took her hand and grinned. "I'd love to, my sweet wife. Besides, I need your advice about what I'm gonna do after graduation." Retsu nodded and led him out of the room. As the front door opened and closed, Kon emerged from an open drawer, feeling like he'd also won the lottery after what he'd witnessed last night. If his body had blood, it certainly would've drained from his nose last night.

"Wow! Ichigo, I take it back! You married a damn hot vixen!"

To Be Continued

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