Chapter 1

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Many years ago

The tired Captain of Squad 10 rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Good grief, why does Rangiku keep dragging me to those meetings? The old man keeps yammering on and on…" His musings were interrupted by a approaching Isane. "Oh, hello lieutenant. What brings you here to this humble squad?"

The silver haired girl merely replied to the flirty captain that Captain Unohana wished to speak with him. Glad that it gave him the opportunity to pass his work onto Rangiku, he eagerly made his way to Squad 4. Once they arrived Isane led him to the garden behind the barracks, where Unohana sat near a table patiently with a pot of tea. "Good afternoon Captain Shiba. Please sit down. There's something that I have been meaning to ask you.

The captain sat down on the opposite end, letting the kind captain pour him a hot cup of tea. "Thank you for coming, Captain. I've wanted to speak to you about a certain proposal. You're not very easy to get with you running off every now and then." She chuckled as Isshin coughed at the remark. "Now then on to business." Isshin listened closely as she set down her cup and looked at him with tired sad eyes. "As you know, Captain, I'm a very lonely woman. My position as Squad 4 Captain does not give me the luxury of finding a suitable husband. Also," she glanced up with and Isshin could've sworn he saw a smirk on her face appear for a second, "many men aren't obliged to date a woman with my past."

Isshin could see where this was going, but there was one problem. "I understand your situation Captain Unohana, but my responsibilities with my clan forbid me to-"he was silenced as the captain held her hand up, silencing him.

"I'm well aware of your burden as the head of your clan. Much as I would like that, I was thinking of something else. I was hoping to that when he came of age, your first-born son could take my hand in marriage." Isshin thought about it for a moment. While he wasn't the biggest fan of arraigned marriages, he did understand her situation and that honestly, this wasn't that bad of a situation. He knew that his clan's elders would try to foist a marriage on his first son as soon as he popped out, so was it wrong to agree to let him marry Unohana, a women of reputable talent and grace? And he knew that she was a good woman, any man would be lucky to have her, so why not his son? Not only that, he knew that whatever kind of son he had, he'd be a good man and make a good husband.

Finally the man ended his ponderings and nodded. "Very good! Thank you Captain. I'll speak with Head-Captain Yamamoto and Captain Ukitake about creating the papers for it!" She quickly gave the man a quick peck on the cheek before merrily heading for the Squad 1 building. Isshin looked at her and wondered, 'I just hope that when I have to explain this to my son one day he doesn't try to kill me….'

Present Day 7:00 AM

*Ding-Dong* Isshin walked to the door, trying to wipe off the soda he'd spill onto his shirt. "Who's comes knocking this early in the morning. He opened the door and was shocked as his eyes took in the sight of Captain Unohana standing in his doorway. "Cap-Captain Unohana?"

"Hello Captain Shiba. Or is Isshin Kurosaki now? Can we come inside?" the captains eyes narrowed as her smile widened, making Isshin's blood stop cold. "I'm here about a certain agreement we had, and I've come to uphold your end of the bargain…."

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