Chapter 5

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8:00 A.M.:

Ichigo sat on the couch, waiting for the doorbell to ring. He had to take the battery out of the clock because the tick-tock sound began to grate on his nerves. His father had come in sometime during the night, having the additional burden to explain the situation to Yuzu and Karin. It didn't surprise Ichigo all that much when the two were relatively cool with it. Yuzu seemed happy thinking that the house would get another feminine touch and Karin felt that it was time somebody helped cool Ichigo's hot temper. When Ichigo tried to counter that statement she had only to point to Isshin's bedroom where their father lay groaning to prove her point.

*DING-DONG* Ichigo quickly got up and opened the door, revealing Captain Unohana and…Yoruichi? "Um…Yoruichi, what are you doing here?"

The werecat flashed him a wide grin, "Oh Ichigo! I just had to come over when Captain Unohana told me you two were tying the knot! I can't wait to tell Soi-Fon!" Ichigo sweat-dropped at her statement, imagining what the rest of the Soul Society will react when they hear. He led them into the living room, the three sitting down on the couch. Ichigo nervously turned to Unohana and waited. Yoruichi kept quiet, knowing how much this was to Unohana and seeing Ichigo's anxiety. She didn't want to antagonize him until later on.

Unohana broke the silence, "Ichigo, as I said yesterday the head-captain has agreed to complete my agreement with your father. He took the matter to Central 46 along with Captain Kuchiki and they have deemed it still valid." Once more, Ichigo sweat-dropped at her statement, BYAKUYA KNEW? He didn't want to imagine talking to him after this. "On their orders, the Head-Captain set the date for our wedding. The date has been set three days from now on Sokyoku hill." Both she and Ichigo had to admit that the location was dripping with irony.

Ichigo had a ton of problems with this; agreement or not. "Um Captain I have a few questions. Am I going to have to stay in the Soul Society with you? I don't really have anything that I can wear either. Am I going to have to join the Squads? Does anyone else know?" Any other questions Ichigo had were silenced as she placed a hand on his shoulder and shushed him silent. Yuzu and Karin, who were secretly watching from behind the corner, giggled at the scene.

"It's alright to be concerned Ichigo. I've made preparations to move here until you turn 18 and have finished your obligations in this world. After which we'll move back to the Soul Society. In the meantime Isane will be able to act in my stead. As for preparations, I've entrusted it to Captain Kuchiki. Aside from those in this house, Captains Ukitake, Kuchiki and Yamamoto are the only ones who know of it. The SWA will be making the announcement sometime this afternoon. "She took hold of Ichigo's hands, "Are you alright Ichigo? I know that must've been a hard shock yesterday to know you're about to be married." All through this Yoruichi silently watched. She'd hoped Ichigo didn't suddenly get a case of cold feet and bail at the altar because the last thing she needed was an excuse to kick his ass.

Ichigo breathed heavily before replying, the memory of that wonderful dream had left a big mark on him, "I understand Captain. I know you wouldn't have done this if you didn't want to marry me of all people," he looked her in her deep blue eyes; "I'll marry you. I'm not sure about what will happen afterward but I'll stay with you." Yoruichi warmly smiled at his words, 'Now that's the Ichigo I know!' She mentally squealed as Unohana embraced him, though she did hear Ichigo's sisters giggle and squeal (even the tomboy) at the sight.

"That's wonderful to hear! I've been afraid you'd outright refused. It'd be awkward if the others had to drag you to the wedding." The image of Kenpachi dragging him down the aisle and having Toshiro and Byakuya hold him in place popped into Ichigo's head, making him shudder at the thought. Yoruichi broke her silence by joining the two in their hug, "Oh, this is so beautiful! Little Ichigo's getting married!" Ichigo sat there being smothered by the two, secretly relishing the feeling of their breasts pressing against him.

Isshin came into the room, his face's swelling having gone down. "Well, good to hear everyone's having a ball." He inwardly sighed in relief that Ichigo had come round, or at least accepted that he had no real say in this. "Captain Unohana, am I to understand you'll be staying with us until the wedding? I've taken the liberty of preparing the guest room for you."

Captain Unohana nodded before rising with Yoruichi. "Yes, I think I'll stay here and get to know Ichigo and his sisters. Excuse us while Yoruichi and I go and get my things." She kissed Ichigo on the cheek again before she and the former captain left for Urahara Shop. She was happy that Ichigo had agreed to fulfill his father's deal, and that dream last night made her want to get closer to Ichigo to sink her claws into him finally….

4 Hours Later:

Ichigo walked into the house, completely exhausted. His boss had worked him into the ground as usual and he had to come up with an excuse why he'd be missing work in 3 days, since the obvious answer would've been weird. As Ichigo wearily opened his door and found Captain Unohana sitting on his bed, looking out the window. "Oh! Captain Unohana! You came back quicker than I expected."

The bride-to-be turned her head and warmly smiled in the sunlight, "Not at all, I've always lived a Spartan lifestyle so clothing's not much of an issue." As Ichigo sat on the bed he felt her slip behind him, "You seem tense, Ichigo. Let me help you with that." The substitute felt her hands slip onto his neck and gently massaged him. "Oh. And Ichigo? Call me Retsu. It's about we time we got on a first-name basis, since I am going to be your wife." Ichigo could feel his upper half melt into her hands; he instinctively leaned back into her. "So, what have you been doing the last few hours while I was away?" she asked, bringing her lips close enough to graze against the back of his neck.

"I was working before meeting with my friends. It's not right to just pretend to them that nothing's about to change. Their reactions were…" Ichigo hesitated for a moment, "Varied."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, Chad was shocked and only shocked. Tatsuki looked like she was gonna beat me up before I explained the entire situation," Unohana chuckled at the part and figured she'd need to have a talk with this Tatsuki, "Uryu for once seemed ecstatic. He told me that he wanted to help with your wedding dress. Chizuru and Keigo… were kinda in awe. When you meet them get ready to punch him. As for Orihime…when I told her she fainted. Tatsuki's watching over her now." Unohana continued to massage him, making him feel sleepy as he laid back into her.

As Ichigo laid his head back onto her shoulder she wrapped her arms around him, "I half-expected that. I'll have to apologize to her for stealing you away." Ichigo almost squeaked when he felt her nuzzle her face against his neck. Despite the fact that it was the middle of the day Ichigo's eyes fluttered shut. Unohana giggled at his reaction. "Looks like my sweet groom's tired. Sleep Ichigo. I'll be here when you wake up." As Ichigo began to drift asleep he turned his head to face her, only to be met with a quick kiss from her soft lips. Ichigo snuggled into her as he fell into a deep sleep. Isshin, Yuzu and Karin popped their heads in and observed the sight, seeing Ichigo sleeping in the woman's arms. Unohana turned to them and put a finger to her lips, not wanting them to wake Ichigo from his slumber. The three nodded before closing the door, leaving her alone with Ichigo.

"Just three more days Ichigo, three more days."

To Be Continued….

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