"How are you feeling?" Sonny asked and I kissed him.

"Much better." I told and smiled at him as he followed and we left.

We climbed in the car, as Dominick got a call. I knew if was work. I smiled at him. Luckily I was finished for the day. He laid off and smiled at me.

"Amanda, can I get you something to eat. I have a case with Liv. Can I take you home?" He asked and kissed my cheek, I smiled. Home seems great, but I don't want to be alone.

"Nothing to eat, take me with. Liv would be great company." I asked as he nodded smiling.

He drove us to the precinct, I walked in with him hand in hand. I saw Liv trough her blinds by her office. I didn't visited her after this weekend we had together. Was to busy with exams. I saw her looking up, and her whole face changed.

Liv Pov

Just hate these cases. I looked up and my mood changed. I saw Amanda with Dominick walking in, so happy. I smiled seeing Amanda as a mom, knowing she is pregnant and you can't see it. She is glowing. And just beautiful and so happy. I smiled as she and Dominick entered my office.

"Amanda!" I exclaimed happily, standing up and walking to her. I embraced her immediately.

"Liv, look." She replied and took something from her purse, she handed it to me and I looked at tge photo she gave, I freezed and looked at the date, today.

"Amanda, is this?" I asked as she smiled nodding.

"I'm 17 days, and that's the baby." She told and pointed to the small blip. I looked up and smiled at her.

"Amanda." I replied smiling bright, and I gave the photo back.

"Take it, I have an will have plenty more." Amanda explained and I looked at her.

"Amanda, I can't." I told her as Amanda smiled. "I insist." Amanda told and I smiled as I went to my table and gently placed the photo on my desk and smiled at my best friend.

Amanda went and sit on the couch, as Dominick stood infront of ny desk.

"Dominick, we need warrants." I told him as he nodded.

"On it." he told and kissed Amanda as they embraced as Dominick walked out, I smiled seeing Amanda looking at Dominick walking away.

"Still good, you two?" I asked smiling as Amanda nodded chuckling. "Always." She told and I went and sit next to her.

"You two are having a baby, how crazy is that?" I told still mind bowling over this. I am in awe.

"I know, it's so unreal. I can't even see it yet." Amanda explained and touched her stomach, as she smiled at me, I gently touched her hand.

"Amanda, I'm so happy for you." I yelled happily as Amanda smiled at me.

"Can I order us something?" I asked as Amanda face expression changed, but I knew what was coming.

"No, not for me." She told looking disgusted.

"Have you eaten today?" I asked as she nodded.

"Liv, I'm okay. I did eat a little this afternoon before I ended class." Amanda explained and I smiled at her.

"Amanda, if you want still. I'm ordering Chinese." I told and stood up, getting the phone. She smiled at me as I ordered.


We sat and just talked and have a girl moment. When the food arrived, it smelled so good. I smiled at Amanda, as I took the Chinese and sit it on the table. I took one, and sit with Amanda, we went on talking. I quess the smell turned Amanda stomach, she stood up and ran out, I quickly threw my Chinese onto the table and ran after her.

She reached the bathroom and I followed, I stopped and saw Amanda over the stall, and I walked to her and gently held her hair and rub her back. I smiled at her, knowing for a while this is going to be Amanda with the morning sickness and also certain smells.

When she finished she looks at me. "Liv, this is embarrassing. You don't have to follow me." She told me chuckling as she washed her mouth and face. I smiled at her. "Just making sure, you are okay." I told as she stopped and turned to me and smiled.

"Yes mom." Amanda explained and I smiled at that. She was like a daughter to me, and I wanted to protect her.

Amanda Pov

Liv, she is a second mother to me, actually she is since mine is different but, better now. Still Liv is. She is protective and caring. She is my best friend but, also a mom to me. I gave her a hug as we walked out, she threw her arms around me and I smiled at her as we walked out.

"Amanda!" I heard and turned around. Everyone entered. Tanisha and Mae immediately went to me and embraced me, I hugged them tide.

"Professor, I was asked for this mission again." Mae told me and I smiled.

"Two hackers, sound important." I told as Liv nodded.

"Child porn sides." Liv told and I nodded.

"Amanda." I was hugged by Fin, I embraced him, as another hug followed, it was Phoebe.

"Hey." I explained looking at these two smiling at each.

"Look at you. Your glowing." Fin told and I laughed.

"We can't see anything yet." I told as he laughed. "Soon boo." he told and I smiled, I saw Velasco, Munchy walking together in, both in conversation.

"Those two are doing good." I told smiling as Liv and Fin nodded. "You should see them on a case." I heard and saw Bruno and Cherlish walking behind me. I smiled. "So, how is the new mom to be?" Bruno asked and I smiled. "I'm great." I told as he smiled with Cherlish.

Then I saw Elliot walking to Liv and hugged her. I smiled seeing Liv so happy. "Amanda." he told me and smiled. "Elliot." I told as he smiled. "Radiant as always." he told and I smiled, I felt arms around me, familiar. I smiled and looked up at Dominick.

"How you're feeling?" he asked me softly I smiled at him. "I'm good Dominick." I told him gently.

"Liv, you got Chinese." Fin yelled as I felt everything coming up again.

"Excuse me!" I yelled and ran to the bathroom. I reached the stall and I threw up, I felt my hair being pulled up and a soft whisper in my ear.

"I'm right here." I knew it was Dominick, I smiled. I felt him rubbing my back gently.

When I finished, I looked at him.
"I hate this so much." I told him as he smiled at me. "I'm sorry." He told and I smiled at him, as I walked to the sink and washed my face, I look up and saw Dominick smiling at me.

"What?" I asked him, as he smiled at me. "You are so beautiful, you know that?" he asked and I smiled.

"Well, you're not bad yourself mr." I told as he smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I held him and kissed him back.

"You wanna head home?" he asked and I nodded still looking straight into his eyes. I kissed his nose and smiled at him.

We walked out, as I sas everyone is inside Liv's office. We stood by the door.

"We are heading home." Dominick explained as I smiled at him.

"Sorry about the Chinese." Liv told and I smiled at her.

"It's not your fault, I can't handle Chinese." I told as she smiled walking to me.

"Take care Amanda." Fin told as all nodded at me, I smiled back. "I promise." I told as Liv embraced me in a hug.

"Call when you need me." Liv told me and I nodded smiling at my best friend. "I will." I replied as she nodded. Dominick threw his arms around me as I looked up at him and smiled as we turned around and walked out.

While we walked out, I looked up at Dominick, as we reached the elevator.

"So, what are we doing?" I smiled smirking at him, he smirked back.

"You're choise." he told me and I smiled at him.

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