Season 3 Quotes

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Chuck: I went to see her last week. She never came home. It's not like our girl to be out all night. I know something's going on. This is more than her having her dirty laundry aired on Gossip Girl.

Serena: She, um, she got rejected by Yale.

Chuck: The only thing she wanted more than me. That would be painful.

Serena: Chuck, she's embarrassed. So we just need to give her some time to lick her wounds.

Chuck: Maybe I can lick them for her.

Blair: Do you know how exhausting it's been being Blair Waldorf for the past 18 years. All the work, the planning.

Serena: You mean the plotting?

Blair: Yes. I'm glad it blew up in my face. It was a wake up call. I was such an overachiever I was headed for a quarter life crisis at 18.

Serena: Well B, you've had a couple of setbacks but there must still be a way to get into a great college and if anyone can do it, it's you.

Blair: No S. I've learned the hard way. I can't control everything. Plan everything. Now with Carter's help I'm trying something different. In fact, if I'm somewhere and I can say "Blair Waldorf would never do that" guess what? I'll do it. She walks off with purloined sunglasses.

Serena: B. B, You have to pay for those.

Blair: So call security.

Serena: Hey. We have a problem.

Chuck: Let me guess. Carter Baizen. As usual you're a step behind.

Serena: He's encouraging the worst in her.

Chuck: True. Unfortunately my PI has yet to dig up an unpaid creditor or a jealous husband that would clear Baizen out.

Serena: Tell him you want to see him.

Chuck: Why? What do you have?

Serena: Just do it.

Lily: Did you and Blair find something you like at BBH?

Serena: Well Blair certainly did. Are you reorganizing?

Lily: Oh no. Just reminiscing.

Serena: Why is Bart's name next to Trent Reznor and the Klauses? Oh my god. Mom, what is that?

Lily: It's—

Serena: No no. Please. Don't answer.

Chuck: What happened in Santorini?

Serena: Let's find Blair. I want to make sure she's okay.

Serena: What do you mean she's not here? You mean she went to that party alone?

Chuck: Look, you have to tell us where she is.

Dorota: I'm sorry but Miss Blair very specific. No tell Miss Serena, no tell Mr. Chuck. But if Mr. Chuck come tell him Mr. Carter more attentive to woman's—

Chuck: Enough! I'm not going to play "Where's Waldorf" all night. How much is it going to cost?

Dorota: How much?

Serena: Dorota, please. Can't you see that Blair has changed?

Dorota: Yes. It like old Miss Blair then new Miss Blair, like it was old Miss Serena now new Miss Serena. Very hard to keep track.

Serena: B, why didn't you tell us?

Blair: What? That I was coming to debase myself by begging to be accepted to Sarah Lawrence? Gee, you're right. Why didn't I update my Facebook page?

Chuck: It's nice to know the old Blair is in there somewhere.

Serena: I knew you wouldn't give up.

Blair: You're wrong. I just did. Don't follow me.

Serena: Chuck. No reaction. Okay, fine. Have fun drinking by yourself. She turns to leave.

Chuck: I'm losing her.

Serena: Well then fight for her. She did for you.

Chuck: I tried. And failed.

Serena: Well then try again, Chuck. Her plan didn't work out for her and she doesn't know what's going to happen next. If you want to be back in her life make her feel safe. You know what to say.

Gossip Girl: But for yours truly, it's a reminder that on the Upper East Side, everything old can be new again. XOXO —Gossip Girl.

Serena: He's down there.

Nate: Serena, the lobby's empty.

Serena: You just must not have seen him. He wouldn't leave.

Nate: Hey hey—

Serena: He wouldn't leave me.

Blair: Let her go.

Lily: Oh god.

Nate: We should call the police.

Dan: Let's just give him a minute.

Nate: No, if we wait he'll be gone for good.

Chuck: Judge away. Shame turns me on.

Eric: What? He left when I was two. The man's a total stranger to me.

Serena: You have to at least give him a chance.

Eric: No. I don't.

Rufus: Serena, please. I think it's great that you're moving back in but this is Jenny's room now. All her things are here. You can stay in Chuck's old room.

Serena: No way. That room is haunted by Chuck's depravity. Jenny can take it. I'm sure it wouldn't bother you.

Blair: Jenny Humphrey, drug dealer. I can work with that.

Nate: Are you all right? You've got crazy eyes.

Serena: Want to tell us what's going on?

Chuck: I thought our relationship could withstand anything. Apparently I was wrong.

Blair: Great, he sent Good Cop.

Nate: Chuck didn't send me.

Blair: Serena.

Nate: Look, we're concerned about our best friends. And whatever he did, I'm sure you can find a suitable punishment for him.

Blair: What did Chuck tell you about how he got his hotel back?Serena: B, I know you and Chuck are going through a hard time right now. But do you at least think what he did was romantic?

Blair: Oh my god, this was your idea.

Serena: I may have encouraged him to make a gesture but throwing a whole wedding was his idea.

Blair: That's the thing with him, S. Everything is a game.

Serena: But that's what makes you guys so good together. You love games. That's who you are.

Blair: The last game we played we both lost.

Serena: What else do you want me to do?

Nate: I want you to stop seeing him.

Serena: I know you're upset. But that doesn't give you the right to tell me who I can and can't see.

Nate: With Carter. Yes, it does.

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