Season 2 Quotes

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·         Serena: This is the first time I've seen you look in the mirror all summer. Here I thought if you did you'd turn to stone. Must be pretty nervous about something if you're willing to take that risk.

Chuck: Ha ha, Sis. I'm on my way out to Lily Pond. With the triplets returning to Rio I thought I'd continue my tour of South America. Maybe Argentina.

Serena: Then what are the flowers for? You wouldn't perhaps have heard a recent phone call with a certain best friend of mine. Who mentioned she's on her way of here on the Jitney.

Chuck: What's a Jitney?

Serena: If that's your way of saying No then I'm glad to hear it. 'Cause Blair will never forgive you for what you did to her.

Chuck: Who told you that little piece of advice, your boyfriend Nate?

Serena: Nate didn't say anything.

Chuck: Good. 'Cause I don't think it's wise taking relationship advice from somebody in a fake relationship. Call me crazy. Enjoy another night alone with your thoughts.

Serena: Good luck on your suicide mission.

·         Blair: The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey is mourning Dan Humphrey.

·         Eric about Chuck: He's got a PI on speed dial.

Serena marching over: Nate!

Eric: I know that face. That face is not your friend.

·         Blair: Charles. Sidebar.

Chuck: Actually we weren't finished.

Blair: Notice how my voice didn't go up at the end. Not a question.

·         Serena: Wait, so does this mean you actually think Dan has a redeeming quality?

Blair: Well as long as he knows his arse from his Arsenal I think he's aces.

·         Blair: This party's a complete bust. My whole life's a bust.

Serena: Well it serves you right. You were scheming to convince Marcus you're someone you're not.

Blair: But my intentions were good. I really do like him, I just— As soon as I knew he liked me I would have relaxed and dropped the manipulative plotting and devoted myself to being the best girlfriend ever.

Serena: See? Thank you! There's my B. Show this girl to Catherine and she'll want you to be with Marcus. This is you, just be yourself.

Blair: She made Waldorf rhyme with Spears. I may as well have gone commando and held my party at Nyla's Burger Basket. .

·         Serena: Why can't you support me?

Blair: Have you two talked about everything? About all the very real reasons you broke up last year?

Serena: Not completely.

Blair: Well when you do, if you're still together, I'll be happy for you. 'Til then I just think you're fooling yourselves.

·         Serena: Who was that?

GOSSIP GIRL QUOTES :)  good times....and bad times....Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum