Lilah turned to the Lydia Deetz look-alike girl and said, "Ignore my sister. She's new to this."

The woman smiled at her, waving her hand over her face. "Don't worry. It wasn't the first time someone asked me that tonight. And honestly, someone is walking around dressed as Beetlejuice," she said with a smile. "Have fun tonight," she added, looking at me. "If you are interested in joining, The Night Lovers Club, come back here and ask one of us for a membership sign-up packet. You can either fill it out here or bring it home and drop it off at another time."

"Okay, thank you."

While heading to the entrance doors, Lilah leaned to my ear, saying, "Stay close to me. It's easy to get lost in here. It's one huge maze. I always call it the Labyrinth because it pretty much is."

"Will we see Hoggle or Ludo?" I snickered.

"Maybe," she shrugged, then laughed. "It wouldn't surprise me."

"Have a fun time tonight. And remember, if anyone gives you a hard time, there's a security officer everywhere you turn," security at the door said before opening it for us.

When he opened the doors, all I saw was blackness. And it made my heart slow. It also wanted to stop, but I refused to let it. "Are we entering a haunted house or something?" Because that's what this feels and looks like.

Lilah laughed. "This is the gateway to heaven. That's how I describe it, anyway. This is just the hallway leading to the kingdom of heaven. All you do is follow the glowing arrows, and once we get to the next set of doors and enter, you'll see the different world, and it'll blow you away."

Lilah wasn't kidding. When she opened the door, my breath was taken away by what I saw—an alluring massive seductive nightclub. At the center of it was a dance floor, if that's what you call it. And large bird-like cages are hanging from the ceiling, with people dancing and performing inside them. And there were multiple bars surrounding that center floor.

But as I stood frozen in place looking at everything in front of me, I noticed multiple hallways surrounding this area, leading to who knows where.

"Do they have a map or something? How in the world do you know where to go?"

Lilah laughed. "There are no maps. That's why I said, stick with me. Newbies always get lost. I did. And it took me about a month to figure this place out."

"How long have you been coming here?"

"Since I turned twenty-one, so about six years now."

Holy shit.

My life has been full of surprises this week!

Lilah grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward the first hallway to our left. "Since you've never been here, I'll walk you down every hallway and show you every floor, so you know what to expect. Just remember, no phones are allowed, so take a mental note of all this. They'll take your phone from you, and you'll never get them back."

The first hallway she walked me through was dark. We couldn't see inside the rooms, but everyone inside could see us. Apparently, it was a business area where CEOs, executives, and others gathered for meetings.

The next hallway she took me down was dark, quiet, and full of bystanders standing, watching, and masturbating to what they saw behind the glass wall—inside the rooms—people having sex.

I can't believe the people inside the rooms don't mind having hundreds of people watching them have sex.

Every room is designed differently, depending on what the couple or group is into doing. However, I may be shocked by what I'm seeing, but watching these people have sex surprisingly aroused me. My cheeks were heating, and the heat between my thighs was desirably burning, clenching, and pulsating. And it sent my mind into a tailspin. This is because it was so erotic, exciting, and highly arousing.

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