The New Students

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                                                                              Grace P.O.V

It was another school year. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. I was now a 7th grader and this was the time that new students would start pouring in! I stood up and went to brush my teeth, took a bath dried my hair and opened my wardrobe. I chose a red top with blue jeans and white Nike sneakers. I put a small headband on my black curls and I went downstairs with my bag. I saw my beautiful mum, already formally dressed in her work outfit, preparing Pancakes.

I hugged her from behind. "Good morning mum, I am ready for school." I said to her sweetly. "Awwwwn, go to the dining table , I will serve" I went to sit as she put the pancakes on the table for us both. She also sat and we started eating with a cup of orange juice. "Dear, do you think you'll finally have a crush this year" "Oh, mum you're not helping matters" I said to her. "How? I want you to finally drop All this shyness and learn to be free with people especially with boys" she advised. "I don't think am ready for that" I told her. "I respect your decision, my dear" she told me and kissed my forehead "Oh, it's getting late and my boss is gonna be mad at me" She said. "OK mum maybe we should leave now, did you pack my lunch" I asked. "Yes, and there is a patient who needs surgery today for fertility And she needs me" Mum said Panicking as she wore her coat. I grabbed my bag and lunch money and we left the house. I got to school around 9:10pm very early. The students were buying books and it was about time for the first lesson. I needed a Biology Textbook, History Textbook, and a Mathematics Textbook. I bought everything and kept them in my locker. Then I went to class. "Good morning students, my name is Miss. Michelle and some of the students are familiar with me while some are meeting me for the first time. Well, I am your Biology teacher for this school year and am glad to meet all of you. So, the principal told me that a new student is gonna be in 7th grade and he is...Damien Davids

" As the guy entered the class, everyone started murmuring;

Who is this cutie?

Which school is he from?

I love him already

He looks so beautiful

Why did he have to be in our class?

He's just the perfect one

I didn't say anything to anyone. I sat in my seat with my hands folded, smiling until I noticed saliva escaping out of my mouth down to my jaw. The class looked at me and I suddenly wiped it off embarrassed. I hope the guy wasn't looking.

"Hi class my name is Damien and I look forward to meeting all of you, am so glad I am in this class" "We are glad too" we all screamed happily. The teacher smiled and asked Damien to go sit beside... BESIDE... BESIDE ME!!!!! Gosh, wake me up, it's a dream this was just perfect the new boy gets to sit beside me,

How glad!

How great!

Why am I so lucky in my life!

He was sitting near me already. "Hi" I slowly spoke but he didn't answer me. He probably found me dumb

I didn't even focus on the lessons or write anything because I was too busy thinking in Dream Land. Too busy thinking, I never knew his brother is also in our class now. Sitting next to my bestie, Autumn

Why do we good people have to see good things beside us and still be so scared to claim it. I was so busy thinking when the teacher hit her whip on my desk. "Grace! I hope you are fine?" "Sorry ma'am, am writing" I said awkwardly. "What was my last statement" she asked angrily. "You said 'Grace, hope you're fine ' " I said confused. Everyone burst into laughter. "One hour detention for not paying attention in class. Go!" She yelled. I bowed my head low and left. I wish Damien just gets into trouble and follows me down here. Huh!

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