
From: Eloise
To: Callum
Subject: Re: Presentation

Dear my favorite motherfucker bosshole,

I feel honored to have received a reward from you. It was the perfect gift. Hopefully, you felt the stings of me stabbing the living holy hell out of you.

I also want to thank you for the second gift. I loved it. But I have to ask, are these gifts your way of calling a truce between us? Because if it is, I want you to know it didn't work. You'll have to work harder and come up with something new if you want me to like you.

Your favorite executive administrative assistant

P.S. Next time, don't be such a coward. Deliver any future gifts to me yourself.


"So, are you going to tell me why I saw a man leaving your room on Sunday morning?" Lilah asked, twirling her noodles around with her fork.

On Monday nights, we always go out to dinner. It's our way of starting the new week and catching up on what we missed over the weekend if we didn't hang out.

I still hadn't decided if I would admit to her that I had slept with a random dude because I was pissed off. But I also know if I don't tell her, she'll bug me every minute of the day until I confess.

"Why should I tell you? You have no idea how to keep secrets. Whenever I tell you something, I don't want anyone to know; everyone knows."

She stopped chewing and looked at me with hurt scribbled in her eyes. "I don't always tell your secrets, Eloise. Just ones I can't seem to keep in."

I laughed. "Exactly. I say not to repeat everything I tell you, and you do, anyway."

"Well, if it makes you feel better. This one I wouldn't spill. Just because I know how dad would go off the deep end if he heard some guy we didn't know was in your room all night."

I arched a brow. "And how would you know if he was in my room all night? You said you came by in the morning."

"Yeah, I know I did. But the truth is," Lilah said, setting down her fork, then using her napkin to wipe the spaghetti sauce off her lips, "I went down to the bar Saturday night to have a drink with you, but you weren't there. So I asked the bartender if he had seen you. He told me you were there but had just left with a man. So, I went up to your room, and as I was about to knock, I froze when I heard some noises I wish I hadn't." She leaned forward, loudly whispering, "You were getting fucked hard!"

I bit my lips together.

"You were, weren't you?"


I let out a long sigh. "Like I said, my boss pissed me off, and I was in a mood. So when this guy approached me, asking if I'd like to fuck, I couldn't say no."

Lilah's eyes bulged from her head. "You slut!" She slapped her hand over her mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to shout that," she added, voice muffled by her hand. Then she laughed. "What if he was a killer?"

I laughed at that. "At the time, I didn't care if he was. I just wanted him to fuck the anger out of me. You have no idea how mad I was."

She grinned. "Sure, I do. You tell me what an asshole your boss has been to you every week. So I can only imagine what he said to you this time. Plus, with you taking a few days off of work to attend grandma's funeral and sending you work he demanded you to do, I don't blame you one bit for losing it... was the guy good-looking, at least? I hope?"

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