Chapter 3: The little strider

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Dream rowed in his wooden boat, watching a few dolphins jumping out of the water not too far away, swimming around fastly and cheerfully. It described his mood pretty well.

He felt amazing.

Not only did he get a good night's sleep, but he was able to break the blond very effectively the day before. It helped him get what he wanted. What he needed to fulfill his wish. His plan.

Dream arrived at the sandy shore, the waves pushing the sand up and dragging it down with every pleasing crash. Though, the green-hooded man was more surprised to see the place still in a wreck. Especially the tent.

Did Tommy not bother fixing anything?

Did he actually break him so much, that he felt hopeless enough to sleep outside during the night?

Dream couldn't help but smile under the mask.

"Tommy?", he yelled out into the dreaded atmosphere the destroyed place set and waited for an answer: A groan coming from the destroyed tent, a blond teen walking sleep-deprived towards him, a young boy's voice answering him.

Anything really, that would indicate where he was or acknowledge that he had arrived.

Though he heard nothing of the like as Dream picked up his boat and placed it into his inventory, right beside his 2 stacks of arrows.

"Tommy?", he tried again.

Still no answer.

The hooded man scoffed at the blond's irresponsibility, walking up the small hill to look for Tommy. It was way past sunrise, almost noon, and the blond was probably hiding in the rags of his tent, trying to sleep.

What an idiot.

"C'mon, Tommy. Only idiots sleep on the floor like that.", Dream looked down into the hole, left by an explosion that blew his beloved "tnret" up, expecting to see a sleeping blond covered in a ragged white sheet of wool on the stone-cold floor.

But there was no blond.

Dream looked around bewildered. Did Tommy sleep in Logstedshire perhaps? Well, the remains of it. He couldn't help but chuckle out loud, reminding himself of the day before. The look on Tommy's face when he realized that he messed up was unforgettable. It was truly hilarious.

As he made his way toward Logstedshire he looked at the forest. It was odd. As if something was missing.

He brushed it off and looked around the place.

"Hey, Tommy!", he called out again. "Where are you?"

Nobody replied.

Dream was very concerned now. Did Tommy hide somewhere? Did he run away? Was he not as predictable as he thought? Was he not under his control anymore?

Was he ever under his control?

"Haha, you got me, now come out before I get upset!"

No response.

"Friends wouldn't do this to each other, Tommy. And we are friends!"

Still no response.

"WE ARE!!", he yelled loudly, as if trying to summon Tommy through his words.

The eerie silence that echoed his own voice in his head was enough for him to understand, that Tommy was not near exile. Fuming, Dream rushed into the nearby forests looking for the blond teen.

Deep down he knew that he had messed up.

To be honest, he didn't know that there was a secret storage room underneath that ghost's cottage. He wanted to blow it up to break Tommy even more and make him forget about the others as soon as possible. To make every connection he had with those people disappear.

He ran (Nether!Tommy au)Where stories live. Discover now