Spurrit x Reader ( CrackShot )

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You Were Trying to Have a Normal day after you were annoyed by the few monsters in seasonal shanty so you decided to go chat about gossip to Punkleton, Smoochale and Hoola.
While sitting in A Crate with the others talking about The Parlsona and Stoowarb Rumor. One of the Most Annoying Seasonals Decided to Interupt you during the Juiciest Part.
🤓 I don't MEAN to Interrupt you 🤓 He Said in a Goofy tone 🤓 BUT- Did you know that Gossiping can affect someone's health, business or emotional state!??? 🤓 Spurrit said
You were Pissed, Why was this Guy coming up to you just so he can nag you like some sort of Teacher? Plus he was Acting like a Huge Nerd anyways.
Hoola Then Replied- You Know Spurrit, Nobody really gives a Damn Hoola La FUCK! What you say. Your just that one dude that I would punch for 100 Diamonds AND free. Hoola said in a Mean Tone while brushing her Ponytail.
You, Punkleton and the Valentines Twins agreed.
Spurrit Gasped when Hoola had cussed at him. Young Monster! That is An Inappropriate way to speak to som- He was Cut Off before you Snapped and Punched his eye before the three other monsters made Ooo's and Giggles.
You Know what I think Spurrit!? You Screamed. I Think you should HuZzAh!! Your Ass off this Island with your Market Version of Monster Handler Dildo Ass! You are one of the most annoying monsters on this Island itself and I really think it would be nice if you should just jump into a damn ocean and drown in Water Island! HOW ABOUT THAT? You Rammed into his ear.
Before Spurrit could reply Punkleton grabbed his legs and threw him into the ocean.
Everyone cheered you on as you were the one to finally ram words into him.
You were angry with what had happened. Hoola touched your shoulder when she said: Hey Y/N, Wanna Head Back to Air Island for a bit? I just heard on TicTac that there's a Bakery  About to Open up! Hoola Said Jumping up and down.
Sure, As long as I can chill for a bit and Stoowarb won't Bug me asking if im okay. You said
Smoochale then said Hey Y/N are you sure Stoowarb Doesn't Like you or something? I mean we been Looking at him for a Bit and we feel like... Ya know? He LIKES you? ( Left Smoochale)
You rolled your eyes as you hopped on your air Balloon with Hoola, Smoochale i already know he likes me I just don't give signs to him like that. Anyways are we going or what Hoola? You asked. Yep! We should be flying in 3..2..1!
The fire Blazed as the hot air balloon started to rise up and exit out of seasonal shanty.
( so uhm I actually made more than a Crack Fic. So I call it a Crack Shot. )
Requested by: @DemiLivesInFandoms

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