Suzaku tried going around the stag but it moved accordingly not giving him a chance to avoid the horns. Suzaku feinted an attack and took a step forward but then immediately took another step back. Seeing him move closer, the stag moved it's horns slashing at him but found that it slashed at empty air.

'Hmm...the attack is quite fast. Avoiding it will be difficult.' Actually if the stag had been able to use it's legs, there was no way Suzaku could have avoided that attack. Right now, the animal had only moved its head but it was still fast.

After deciding something, Suzaku moved forward again, his sword by his side. And as he moved, his chi gathered near his feet. The stag attacked again but instead of stepping back, Suzaku jumped forwards at an angle. The chi exploded under his feet, granting him sudden speed and he reached the side of the animal. He thrust his sword at the neck of the beast, his chi suddenly appearing around his sword and turning into fire.

"Fire sword." He said.

The stag was shocked and tried to turn but it's injured leg got in the way. It could not match the speed of the sword thrust. The burning sword sliced into its neck cutting arteries and nerves. It felt a fiery feeling and then it dropped to the ground, not even feeling the pain of death.

"Haha...." Suzaku laughed at his conquest. He had defeated a stag in just two moves. But even if it were just two moves, he did not get arrogant. These two moves were the result of constant practice and understanding how magic worked in this game. 'Wonderful! You can actually do magic. Unlike other games where you shout a chant or do some ridiculous movement and the system would do some magic for you. In here, I can actually do the magic I want to. Why isn't this the game's usp? The company's marketing dept. sucks!'

But he didn't have time for reflection. He quickly readied his stance and waited. The bloodlust had just begun.

Suzaku was one of the few players who could deal with the bloodlust effect on their own. The rest of them often had to make parties or head out together in teams. But even then, it was said that players always died facing their first bloodlust effect. Without exception! Maybe the first was special.

Suzaku was no different. Even he died when he first faced it. But then, the next time he was ready for it. And since then he could always face the bloodlust with a calm mind. Not that it wasn't dangerous anymore but it was like if you survived once, you would survive again and again. If you did not get careless, that is. After all, this was still a forest with fearsome animals. Even Suzaku had died once because of his carelessness.

But that was the only times he died, once because of the first bloodlust effect and the other, due to his carelessness. Dying twice was his shame. Though others had died far more times. But he considered himself one of the better players, after all how many of them could face a bloodlust alone! So his standards were naturally higher. He had come to know and meet some of the better players on Ilmentia island. Some of them due to his martial arts skills. And none of them had died a second time.

Soon he heard the far off rustling of dried leaves as hoofs pounded over it.


Sensitivity increases by 1.


"Come on!" Suzaku shouted as his sword made swift movements like tides, laying bodies in it's wake. His feet moved forward, back and sideways at just the exquisite time to dodge and counterattack. Here and there his chi would build up on his feet as he closed distance. A flash of red appeared here and there as fire enveloped his sword during his attacks. Someone looking would only think that it was devil fighting in there.

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