The Not So Great Outdoors Part 1

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(Y/N)s POV

"Uh 'ello my name's (Y/N) (L/N). I wanted to go on your show to win money, obviously." I say to the camera, scratching the back of my head."My parents have been through something recently and they're having money troubles, so I thought I'd try this." I continue.

I looked at the camera nervously "but uh I do have a criminal record, if that's going to interfere with this." I spoke, anxiously playing with the rings on my fingers. "But it was only like 3 years in juvie, and Canada still let us come here!" I exclaimed, for some reason trying to convince the camera that my crimes weren't that bad.

"Oh also I can do magic!" I declare, doing jazz hands. "Let me demonstrate." I wave my hands infront of the camera, showing I have nothing in them. I start to pull a long line of of different colored cloths out of my sleeve, after about 5 minutes all of the cloth was out. I take hold of the long cloth and make it 'disappear'.
"Tada!" I exclaim quietly.

"Okay well, that's bout it." I say turing off the camera. I take the camera to the computer and submit the video on the website. If my cool magic trick doesn't convince them, then uh maybe I'm not good at magic.


I got a call that I was accepted on total drama Island, so now here I am on a boat with a big buff man driving. I sit there awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. Thankfully we arrived before I had a nervous breakdown.

"Our last camper is (Y/N), an awkward magician!"

"Uh ok then" I mumble walking off the boat with my duffle bag in hand.
I don't know who any of these people are so I just stand at the end of the line.

"First things first! We need a group photo for the promos. Everyone at the end of the dock!" Chris yells happily.
We all walk to the end and I stand next to a guy with green hair and piercings. I like to bother people, so I held bunny ears behind the guys head, whilst sticking out my tongue.

"Okay! One, two, three." Chris says snapping the picture, only to say "Oops. Okay, forgot the lens cap! Okay hold that pose! One! Tw- oh. No, wait.
Cards full. Hang on." Chris fumbles around with the camera

"Come on man, my face is startin' to freeze!" An absolutely beautiful women exclaimed, annoyed at Chris's gormless behavior.

"Got it. Okay, everyone say 'Wawanakwa!'"

"Wawanakwa" everyone yells as the dock breaks underneath them.
I hold on to a piece of wood and float to the shore. I guess this would be a good time to mention, I don't actually know how to swim. If that wood wasn't there I probably would've died.
I get to land and shake my hair off like a dog. "Ahem" I look over to see that I had gotten water all over the guy from earlier, but he was already wet so.....he can't be mad at me.

Thankfully Chris interrupts our conversation before we start fighting.
"Okay guys. Dry off and meet at the campfire pit in ten." He yells, probably proud of what he had done.
I quickly run away before the Mohawk guy can get mad at me.


Everyone's standing at the campfire, waiting for Chris to start talking.
"This... is camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabinmates, your competition, and maybe even your friends. Ya dig? The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!" He shouts dramatically.

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