Chapter One; Part 1: The Jump

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Rafe steps closer to the edge.

He watches the angered waves crash beneath him, against the rocks, the bitter wind flurried, splitting droplets of water against his skin as it sprays up from the cold ocean water beneath him.

His feet edge closer. His shoe lace untied caught and scrap against the little cold rocks where he stood. His eyes narrow, and he squeezes his lips together, angered.

His thoughts frantic like a hurricane... fierce and brewing a storm, it would undoubtedly bring disaster... like the menacing waves that crash beneath him.

He shakes his leg and pulls his lace from under the rock its caught on, and he takes that further step... nothing could stop him, all he needed was a little momentum to dangle a leg over that edge...

His heart beats intensely, his rib cage, tight, feeling like it could break with every breath.

Lifting his head, squeezing his eyes shut, he dangles a foot over the edge.

"I'm sorry dad." he breaths, as he leans forward and projects toward the fall of the cliff, spreading his arms out ready to take what would come next.

His mind goes blank... his body feels nothing.. just the rush of icy cool from the wind... and he then feels the pain as he breaks through the thickened bodied water... but before his mind turns to darkness... he hears a certain voice... a girl scream his name... "Rafe! Rafe!"


Kiara wasnt crazy enough to jump in after him.

Besides, he wasn't the kind of someone she liked... he was kind of the very opposite... someone she loathed.. someone she detested... someone, as strong as the word implied, hated.

She wasn't going to die for him. No.

Rafe maybe Sarah's brother, but his far from someone she would die for... he wasnt exactly a nice guy.

Never the less, Kiara cared. Cared too much, which wasn't always the best for her own good.

She always cared.

She cared too much it could be the death of her.

She rushes down to the foot of the cliff, were the water dangerously breaks, eyes scanning for where she could see Rafe.

Why hadn't she had her phone on her of all days???

She can finally see something... something or someone floating, the waves seemed to be dragging closer toward the shore faster then she'd expected.

It had to be him.. it had to be Rafe.

She hesitate, fighting with herself whether she should risk her life jumping in after him.

But she can't... she can't just stand here and do nothing... and so she rips off her top and jumps in, thinking she could be the next victim to these ferocious waves.

The water cold like shards of ice.

The fight against the waves make her arms burn with pain... makes her weary faster than she'd expected. Her heart beat quickens as she's hit with a wave that pushes her down.

Pulling up against the water, she resurfaces, and finds Rafe closer than he'd been a few seconds ago. The waves must have been helping pull him in closer to shore.

He was unconscious, Kiara could tell. His body bobbing up and down... motionless and still.

She nears him, wrapping an arm about his torse, and pulls him onto her.

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