Chapter 75: One is not a team

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"This is your fault," snarled Hina.

"Of course, just remember to say that again when we win nationals," I sigh in conflict. We stand in my comfort, my freedom from their hatred. We stand in the boys gym, with our coach talking to the boys coach and the boys team, looking towards us. Bokuto, looking towards me, with a confused smile.

"This was your idea wasn't it," Another claims.

"All coach's," I sigh. Straight faced. "Maybe if you weren't all running from every ball I touch, she wouldn't be so desperate to toughen you up."

"You broke a girls face!"

"It was just her nose."

"Spoken like a true monster."

I sigh again, "I called her, apologized. She said she's fine, she knew what she was signing up for."

"Yeah well we didn't sign up for playing with a-"

"Girls," coach called out, "Get on the court."

"Well for the record, I think this is a bad idea," I move towards the court first muttering, "If I'm a monster. These guys are death. Or at least, they're captain is."

I leave the girls to walk in my shadow. A place they've gotten too comfortable being in. I go to my spot, as the boys coach calls out, "Practice game. Don't go easy on them."

Bokuto, leaned onto the net, looking down at me as my team pulled themselves together. "Hate to see you so down Baby Bird."

All I can do is shrug, can't even crack a smile with these girls around. "Just don't take it easy on us."

His smile grows now, "Wouldn't dream of it." He stretches a bit, showing off some muscle, "I've been waiting for this for a while. Finally get to avenge my girl."

"My hero," I roll my eyes, he gets a smirk out of me. Before he says, "Ladies first!"

A rainbow. A fucking rainbow, arching high and pretty and light for the other team. This is going to be an instant kill. I track Bokuto, he's the ace. He's getting the first ball, setting the tone for the game.

The ball is passed, goes to Akasshi and just as I said. "Number four," I Shout out, moving towards Bokuto, a double block. Or at least I thought. She's barely clearing the net and when Bokuto's power swing came, she retracted her hands, squealing.

I knew this was bad idea. They might quit after this.

I have to slide my hand out, just to get a petty touch on the ball. "Touch!"

The ball contacts skin, I hear that. It got passed, so I go back shouting, "Here!" Only to see that the ball is spirling back towards them.

Shit. No hesitation. Of course not. Their middle is on it, direct attack. "No!"

I shouted, pushing myself towards the net. A waist of an approach. I was supposed to be smashing this ball, but looks like I'm still on the defence. I go up, just in time to shut him out. His tall and strong, but he's no Bokuto. Not now. Now, I can handle him.

Kill block!

No, it's saved. Bokuto dropped saving the ball with a grin.

"Send it to me," He got up, moving back as Akasshi set the ball, "Here!"

No back up this time. I know no one is coming. I face the great owl on my own. I go up, on his right. Knowing he can go anywhere. Knowing he can just blow right through me if he wants. And he does. His powerful swing, cutting right through my hands. Tighten up Z!

This is a big enemy. And just like all the rest. I'll be facing them, pretty much alone.

I slowed it down. Damn it, I know I slowed it down.

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