Chapter 49: More Than What They See

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I rode on the back of Bokuto's bike, using his body to shield me from the cold. It's still cold buy this is much better than riding on my own.

His body radiates heat. I even stuff my hands into his pockets as I wrap my arms around him. It's like hugging a heat lamp. I might have to take him up on his offer to ride us to school, this is so much warmer than riding on my own.

Now that the show and ice settled in, it's officially freezing! Yet Bokuto insisted we go out to grab something to eat. The hot noodles were nice on this chilly Saturday.

Now we turn the corner to home. I feel the rumble of Bokuto's laugh more than I hear it, since my ear is pressed to his back for warmth.

"Looks like they're here."

I peek around Bokuto as he slows the bike to a stop, seeing two shiny black SUVs.

The moment we stopped, doors flew open. Out jumping Aunt Bri, uncle Kaoru, uncle Tamaki, and Rosalind. Uncle Kaoru held two garment bags in his arm and helped his wife and daughter out of the tall SUV.

Uncle Tamaki, is flustered as he shouts. "Where have you two been? We have been waiting!"

Bokuto goes to respond as we hop off the bike but Uncle Kaoru cuts in first, "Relax, we've only been waiting for like five minutes. We have plenty of time."

"We just went to get something to eat," I say as Bokuto takes the bike to lock up in the backyard.

"Good idea," Aunt Bri said. She stepped to me, placing a kiss on my head before saying, "Now let's head inside. Out of this cold."

She turned to her husband to take one of the garment bags from him and went to turn back towards Mrs. Ito's house. But uncle Kaoru stopped her, pulling her back into him for a kiss. Making her giggle like a schoolgirl. As if they can't go an hour without each other. How does he manage when she's away on long trips without him?

"Kaoru," Aunt Bri giggles, pushing back from him.

He let's her go smiling. "Fine, go. Come on Tamaki," and they started for Bokuto's house. Thankfully his Dad is gone and not due back for a while.

Or so we thought. My aunt Bri and Ros started for Mrs. Ito house but before we got there, I heard a man's gravel like voice on the other side of the Ito fence.

I only heard that voice one other time. And I froze as he said, "What's going on here?"

Uncle Kaoru chimes in, sounding calm as he answered, "You must be Kōtarō's dad. I'm Kaoru, your son is taking niece to the winter formal tonight. Last time he was over he said he didn't have a proper suit, so got one made for him."

"Ah, so he's seeing your niece," he said sounding excited.

I hear Bokuto's voice on the other side of the fence, "Dad? What are you doing here?"

"Just talking to these nice gentlemen about your little girlfriend. Seems you got rid of the bunny and got yourself a respectable girl."

"Respectable," uncle Tamaki laughed, "Of course, she is."

I saw aunt Bri's eyes twitch at the word, respectable. Knowing he has another meaning of the word than we do.

Bokuto's father laughed as well before saying, "Son, why didn't you tell me you needed a suit. I would have-"

"You wouldn't," Bokuto interrupted.

Aunt Bri is on the move now, "Ros, call Mori." She says as she turns back to the sidewalk. I follow her, but stay back peeking around the fence as she walks up to Bokuto's door smiling, "Well no need. I designed one for him myself."

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