III; Level Up (1/3)

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353 Words
Part 1


"Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday, BoBoiBoy. Happy birthday to you! Yay!"

"Wow, you're 15 years old now!"


"Well, BoBoiBoy.. what do you wish for at this age?"

"I hope..."

'I hope mom and dad can come back as soon as possible before I turn 16. I hope mom and dad can celebrate my 16th birthday. I just want to see you.' BoBoiBoy said in his heart.

BoBoiBoy blew out the candle.

"Yaayy! Happy birthday BoBoiBoy!"

After celebrating BoBoiBoy's birthday, all his friends returned home. BoBoiBoy entered his room.

BoBoiBoy is sitting at his study table.

OchoBot approached BoBoiBoy and asked, "BoBoiBoy.. do you want to eat again?"

BoBoiBoy replied, "Nah, I'm still full after eating."

BoBoiBoy took a pen and paper, he wrote something-

"BoBoiBoy! There is a letter from your mom and dad!" Tok aba called BoBoiBoy from downstairs.

"Ehh, wait a second, BoBoiBoy is coming down," BoBoiBoy answered from above.

BoBoiBoy went down the stairs and reached the bottom floor.

"Mom and dad always send letters, but they never come to see BoBoiBoy. It's been like 5 years." BoBoiBoy said while holding the letter in his hand.

Tok aba approached BoBoiBoy and stroked BoBoiBoy's back, "BoBoiBoy, forgive your mom and dad.. they will definitely come back and see BoBoiBoy. I promise."

"No way, they will definitely not come back to see BoBoiBoy big. They don't care about BoBoiBoy anymo-"

"Shttt. It's not like that BoBoiBoy.. try to read the content of that letter... They miss you. They will try to come back as soon as possible." Cut tok aba.

"As soon as possible? Dad said that 5 years ago. But even now he hasn't come back yet. That's it, BoBoiBoy is sick of them!" BoBoiBoy protested and walked away from tok aba's and headed to his house.


BoBoiBoy climbed the stairs to his room, then slammed his door and locked it.

BoBoiBoy furiously held the letter, he tore it up until it was really small. Then squeeze it and throw it away.

"Arghh! I'm so sick of them."

BoBoiBoy shed tears and cried naturally.


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