Reaching Gealdor

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It was five days after that morning we passed over the mountains to the heart of Gealdor. This land was unlike any I had visited. A permanent blanket of frost clung to spikes of stone standing tall above the ground. Soaring trees kept the land covered and blocked my vision. It was biting cold, my nose went numb, and my breath became ice the moment it escaped my mouth. Marae led the way, and we would climb to a ledge on a small mountain chain that faced a clearing beside a frozen lake. Centered within this clearing was a small stone castle, no more than half the size of the inn we had in Runata. "What is it we are looking for?" I asked Marae. She gave no response besides a finger to her lips, and I remained silent. I watched. For hours I watched with no change. We were several hundred feet up the mountain, and could see anything that would approach the castle, but nothing ever did. Even the wildlife dared not approach. Hours of watching turned to days. Days of watching a vacant field, with a collapsing ancient castle. Until I saw it. A man, middle aged, with a long fur cloak approached the castle. With a swing of his hand the doors to the castle opened. He beckoned to the forest edge and a large troll walked mindlessly into view. The troll shuffled slowly across the field, dragging its long arms behind it. It walked past the man, and through the gates. Then, he looked up, directly at the ledge Marae and I found ourselves on.

Marae and I ducked out of view, but I feared the man had already seen us. I readied my hammer, and Marae grabbed my arm to steady me. I looked up at her, and she shook her head. I whispered, "This is what we are looking for, yes? That castle must have some valuable information, and if this man is the threat to the kingdom, I say we eliminate him now. His only asset is that troll."

    "No. We will only report what we saw. This was enough information for this mission. It looks as though that troll was controlled by some sort of magic. We will pass this on to King Ebodan and his wizard. Then we may proceed according to our orders."

    I simply could not let this pass. I swore to protect the kingdom, and I intended to prove my worth this day. I tore my arm away from Marae's grasp and leaped over the ledge, sliding down the snowy mountain until I was face to face with the castle. I heard Marae call out to me, and heard the sound of her feet following mine as I moved towards the gates. I could no longer see the man anywhere in the clearing. The doors, however, remained open, so I began walking towards them.

    Marae caught up to me and tackled me to the ground. "What do you think you are doing? We need to leave right this instant, you have likely placed the entire mission in danger. You have likely placed us in danger."

    "Marae, I respect you greatly, and you are a loyal knight to the kingdom. But I will not leave this place until I have more to return with."

    "Young knight, your actions to you are noble, but you disobey direct orders from the king. If you insist upon entering the castle, I will have no part in it. As I told you, if you are determined to march to your doom, I refuse to bear witness to it." She let me go and stood. "If this is truly your wish, I shall not stop your actions, but I am returning to the kingdom this instant. If you come to your senses you may join me. If not, I wish you luck in your quest for glory. Regardless, I will be forced to report this defiance to King Ebodan upon our, or my return."

I nodded, understanding the position I had placed her in. Though, if I returned with valuable information for the king, I would surely be forgiven. I turned away from Marae and crept my way towards the gates into the castle. I walked in cautiously and wandered into a large entryway. Immediately I realized, this castle was not made for living quarters. This was a dungeon. A prison with holding cells lining the walls. Within each one were beasts of every kind. The troll I had seen wander in was standing in a new cell facing the wall. Every beast from hounds to bears, even to apes and a few men, elves, and halflings stood in separate cells, all facing the wall unmoving. There was a descending staircase, also lined with cells that appeared to go to a large underground area.

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