"Paon Lilas" part 2

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The TV played in the background while Duusu had another sudden breakdown about... something.

"Ugh... when she stop crying?" Chloe grumbled. Getting annoyed at the kwami.

"I wonder why she keeps crying out of nowhere is something bothering her?" Rose ask worriedly.

"Dunno" said Nino

Adrien still wasn't sure what. He was starting to feel very out of his depth.

"Duusu.... Duusu. D- Duusu, do you want to talk about it?" There was a pause before the tears flowed even harder.

"Not gonna lie her tears remind me of a sprinkler" Felix deadpan, making the people in the room huff with laughter. Adrien grinned at his cousin. Hey, my cousin is not that bad after all!

His eyes were pulled to the TV, with a flash of red and black blurring on the screen. Followed by an Akuma. Ladybug and a feminine cat hero.

Everyone stared screen at the new hero beside ladybug with an awe expression. The students squealed at the new hero.

"Is she the Chait noir in that universe?!"

"Woah she looks so cool!"


"She's just like our Chat noir!"

"Not gonna lie she looks like Sabrina"

Sabrina shrunk in her seat at the mention of her name, everyone looked at Sabrina and agreed. While Chloe just scoffs at that idea, she is better than her.

Adrien smiled at the screen, he was also amazed by this new hero. She has a lot of potentials and looks like a great hero. Marinette is interested on this new hero, of course, she would never replace Chat noir he was her best friend after all (Kuro Neko, anyone?)

Fu, Tikki and Plagg were staring at the screen with amazement. "So that's the Chat noir in that universe. I have to admit she looks good at it" Fu spoke in dismay.

"I agree, as long as this kitten gives me a lot of camemberts then i'm all about it. I still prefer Adrien though" Plagg declared making Tikki smiled softly at him 'He really does care for him...'

He glanced at the Kwami. "Duusu... you mentioned you can give me powers, right?"

"Mhm! You just have to say 'Spread my feathers.'"

"Alright! Duusu-"

"OH! Wait I didn't-"

"Spread my feathers!"

Everyone in the room laughed.

"You should have let her explain first" laughed Marinette

Adrien just grinned, if he meet this version of him they would get along pretty well

Plagg smiled softly. This reminds him of the day he met Adrien. When he told him the phrase and he just transformed before he could explain what he was supposed to do. Plagg laughed faintly

Tikki saw her partner laughing faintly while looking at Adrien, she never saw this side of him often. She can tell that her other half cares... No, loves his kittens. He just doesn't show them that often anymore. Feared that he will get attached and then get hurt as he watches his kittens die later on protecting their Ladybugs.

Tikki felt bad for Plagg, her ladybugs always get protected by the kittens and die later on. She barely has any of her bugs die prematurely. She knows Plagg is jealous of her, none of his kittens cross that line and will always die because of his bad luck.

The Peacock Hero from another universeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant