Y/n's story + info!!

Start from the beginning

"Thanks Xian." I said in relief as I hug him.

After a few days, we still couldn't find him. I hope he's safe..

"Why haven't they found him yet?" I asked Xian.

"I'm sorry Y/n, but they really tried their best..There's still no sign of him."

"How are you so calm??"

"Y/n..I'm as worried as you, you know."

"You don't look like it."

"Y/n, it'..been a long day. Why don't you get some sleep." Xian trying to change the subject as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not sleepy." I said as I yawn.

"That yawn says otherwise." He chuckled.

"Fine." I went back homd and lay down as I slowly closed my eyes.


(The next day)

The sound of someone opening the door woke me out of sleep. It was Xian. He approached me and looked at me like something bad had happened. I was worried by this.


"What? What happened? Have you found Bo yet?.." I asked as I got up from bed. "No..but I have something to tell you." He said, while asking me to sit down with him, so I did. "You have to let go." He placed his hand on my shoulder.. "What? Let go of what?" I asked, standing up and staying away from him.

"We don't know if Bo's still out there, Y/n. He might be-" he was interrupted by Y/n. "What? He might be what!? Answer me!" I said as tears rolled down my face. "Y/n, there's no way Bo could still survive out there!" He stood up. "That's impossible! I know him. He would find a way to survive! Or even go back home!" I yelled.

"Then where is he now?" He said as I was just standing surprised by what he said."How could you give up so fast? Don't you care about him?" I said as I put my hand on my chest, hurt by what he said."Y/n, of course I do. Bo was like a son to me..You don't know how hard it is for me to fully accept that..he's gone." He said as tears welled up in their eyes. "I'm going to find him." I said. "Y/n, no. I can't lose you." He said as I immediately packed my things but Xian stopped me. "Y/n. Stop. Please, I can't bear losing you too." He said as he suddenly hugged me, but I pushed him off. "Fine..just give me some time alone." I said while avoiding eye contact.

"Okay.. let me know if you need something." He said as he left the room. As he closed the door, I continued packing my things. After I finished, I waited until midnight to leave. I left a note at my bed, saying goodbye and that I won't stop looking for my brother. I ran quietly towards the gate, but I noticed two guards nearby. So I used my shadowbending to help me jump very high, landing safely and not making a single sound to draw the attention of the guards. 

I successfully got out and ran deep into the forest. After a while I saw something very bright up ahead, it was a village, I wonder how we haven't raided this yet. The night sky was aglow with bright lights of the village. "Must be a festival." I said. The timing was just right, cause I was starting to feel hungry. I could eat a whole food stall. I entered the village hoping to find something good to eat. As I find a place to eat I saw people dancing, and some kids running and chasing each other. This place has so many smiles and laughter,  it was just like last time. After eating, I thought of wanting to explore this place before continuing my journey. I might even find my brother, who knows. It's been a while since I last experience this kind of thing. Sure, we had festivals and dancing back at home. But it suddenly stopped since the war started.

I was walking and looking at the stalls, until I found one that fixes stuff like necklaces and bracelets. I went to the stall and gave the man the broken bracelet hoping he'll fix it. He said that it might take a while, but that's okay. I fell asleep while waiting, but the man woke me up showing me the bracelet finally fixed. I then happily paid him.

After that I decided to leave the village but I noticed a strange girl, mumbling about something and kept throwing rocks in the water of the fountain, she looks..upset.

To be continued..

Info about Y/n

*Born somewhere Earth Kingdom
*Age: 12
* She's Shadowbender and a Waterbender as well, but only know some tricks

>>  Shadowbending is ability to control darkness and shadows. The first shadowbenders were Shade Foxes( It is a reptilian creature in the shape of a Fox. It cloaks itself in Shadow.)

Darkness is the element of control, consisting of sneak attacks and overwhelming darkness tempered by the unflinching will to conquer.

Shadowbending is notable for its manipulative battle style and usage.

Shadowbending involves using focus to control the darkness, and the darkness bent will move in synch with the user. The User applies Ka-ra-teh techniques, including unique punches as well as kicks.

The darkness can then be reshaped or even divided into smaller pieces and used as a whip or an extra body part. Regularly closing one's eyes when shadowbending improves one's connection to darkness.

Shadowbenders could use their opponent's shadow to control their body as well as their bending. This is the most dangerous ability used by shadowbenders and it needs utmost focus and concentration. Although, not many can do this.

The first human shadowbender, is a waterbender named Togi from the southern water tribe. He decided to explore Earth Kingdom but he was suddenly attack by the fire nation. He was trapped, cold, alone and no water to bend. But somehow he found a way. He looked around at the darkness and he miraculously bended the shadows like water. He fought off his enemies with this new bending ability, and managed to escape. He couldn't go back to the southern water tribe because the fire nation was finding him, so he had no choice but to stay in the Earth Kingdom to keep his people safe from harm. He made friends and decided to build a town underground. His friends were Earthbenders but he managed to teach then the way of shadowbending.

Although the people that Togi taught used this power to kill. They used it for destruction. One day Togi warned them to never use this ability for violence. They never listened, they decided to disobey Togi's orders and killed him so that no one will stop them.

shadowbenders ( the gifted ones) could be dangerous, if it is in the wrong hands. They're the same strength as the avatar and could copy the other elements. Although the user may experience agony while doing this, if they don't do it correctly, they can die.. They must have full energy and concentration in order to do this. Due to the risks, this ability is now prohibited.

Shadowbenders live somewhere hidden underground in the Earth Kingdom, nobody knows this..even the fire nation. It is a small village, and has its own crops and animals. Some of the people there are waterbenders, and earthbenders.


Credits to:Zealous Gamer in the avatar wiki, for the idea of Shade foxes being the first shadowbenders.

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