I look at the direction of Manager and Yang, both of them are looking at floor not able to maintain eye contact with me.

So I gave up fighting as no one seems to confront Niki.

I picked up my bags and followed the tall guy.

He open the door of his room which is located at the second floor and held the door open for me.

It was massive in size. No any messy design. Aesthetic and minimalistic. There was these calm smell of something like wood.

The floor was dark wood and the walls are painted in grey color. No paintings, no indoor plants just few books on the table near his bed. His room is so like him. Cold and isolate.

But to my amaze, there is two of every essentials things. Two bed but different in size, two cupboards at the headend of each bed, two nightstand with table lamps, two indoor slippers, two cloth hanger.

As if he was sharing room with someone, but that idea seems illogical as every extra pair seems so brand new and too clean to be called used one.

Maybe they have already decided that I will be his roommate. ''But what the hell was that in the living room, the meeting, giving me an option?'' It seems strange .

He put my bags near a bed and sat on the other bed typing something on his mobile.

I just stood there looking at my surrounding and trying to get familiar with the environment.

''That is your space, your cupboard, your study table and everything and this side is mine.'' he said while pointing at the bed he was sitting on.

''Yang's room is small. It is fully occupied with his clothes and things. There won't be a comfortable space for you, so it's better for you to get adjust in this room even if you don't like me at the moment.'' He said without looking from his phone.

''Okay, thank you.... I replied.

I don't know if he heard me or not as he didn't say anything in return.

I unzip my bags and started unpacking my things. I kept the folded clothes in my cupboard,hang some casual wears on the cloth hanger and put my small collections of books on the table.

I am nearly done but need to find space for my shoes and eatables which mom has packed even after telling her not to, so I looked at his direction and he seems busy doing something on his phone.

''Hyung, where am I supposed to keep these shoes and food?''

''Shoes goes on the shoe rag and food in the refrigerator.''

But there was only one shoe rag and one medium refrigerator. I don't know if I am supposed to share with him, so I just open the refrigerator and it was almost empty, there was lots of mineral water and some skin care products. No any eatables in sight.

I somehow made my space and kept my food there and for the shoes there was an empty bar and I kept all of my shoes there.

Now all my clothes, books are settled except for me. I don't know how it is going to be as I have never share my room with any people before

. He is going to be around me most of the hours. Sooner or later he is going to witness my inside turmoil and I don't want to disclose myself to him.

I went inside the washroom to take bath as I was sweaty from all those dance practices and did my skin care routines just like she taught me. Now I feel like I won't see her much infront of me or maybe she will stop talking to me inside my head. I don't know but I am not ready to separate from her so soon.

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