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where do I fit in

when the whole

world made plans

without me?



I met the members in practice room today and they seems nice. They all tired making me feel comfortable and even offered to teach me some hard dance steps during their free time.

Even though I met Yang just few hours ago, but I felt so comfortable with him. Maybe it's because we are close in age.

Hoon and Hee seems like those people who don't really like putting their nose in other people's business.

Jake and Jay seems like goofy ones. They are like cat and dog. Never quiet in each other's company.

And Niki, he seems mysterious and dark person. Someone who is always observing things silently and I feel like I should keep my distance from him if I don't want to get in trouble.

When the team two reached home, our manager summon us in the living room to arrange room for us.

Currently, Hee and Hoon are in one room, Jay and Jake are roommate. But Yang and Niki have their own room. The older ones are sharing room because Hoon and Jay can't sleep alone as they are scared of darkness. So Hee and Jake volunteered to be their roommates.

We need a spare room or I need to be roomie with either Niki or Yang. If I have to chose a roommate I will prefer Yang. I can't imagine sleeping in the same room as Niki.

I feel like he won't be pleasant. He seems distant and dejected.. These days I need some sort of positive vibes around me to keep going and Niki is definitely not the one.

''Sunoo, there is no any spare room for you to sleep.''

''You have to share room either with Yang or Niki.'' Manager Sejin said.

''I would like to share room with Yang if he doesn't have any problem.'' I said.

Yang hesitate for a moment but he seems ok with the idea.

''My room is the smallest one. It can be congested but if we adjust well together, it will be fun.'' Yang said while rubbing the back of his neck.

''I am ok with tiny space.'' I replied to Yang's concern.

''Ok, then it's settled. Yang and Sunoo will be roommates from today onwards.'' Manager Sejin said.

''But how will that tiny space hold two person along with their luggage.'' Niki retorted.

''If they are ok with it, there is no problem.... Manager Sejin was saying.

''My room is twice the size of Yang, why can't Sunoo settle in my room?'' Niki angrily said without letting manager finished his statement.

''Yeah, we can consider that too , but let Sunoo make his choice.''

''I was too scared to voice out my opinion. So I pointed my finger to Yang.''

Yang look happy for a second but right after making eye contact with Niki, he looks confused and kind of frightened.

'' Yeah, Niki is right, you will be better off at his room. You will have your own bed, cupboard and space too. I think it will be little uncomfortable for both of us in my room as my room is as small as the size of pea.'' Yang said while looking at Niki.

I kept quiet and didn't make a hint to move.

''I don't bite, you know, Niki said while taking some of my bags towards the direction of his room.

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