Apologies, Lesson learned, Arya's birthday

Start from the beginning

Arya relaxed, her face now sporting a small, calm, happy even, smile. She nuzzled into the pillow. I smiled to myself, running a hand threw her hair. Before getting up and heading out of the room, meeting my former mate, Evandar, and my sisters, as well as Oromis, and Brom, in the seating room.

"How is our daughter?" Evandar asked. While we are no longer mates, or even sharing a bed, we were still good friends. Really our mating was more of a mating of convenience, and because of Arya. However we no longer really cared about being mates. Though we still love Arya, we just don't wish to share a bed anymore.

"She cried herself to bed, again. He was her best friend, ever since he arrived here, she was almost always by his side. Just the other day, she spent an entire afternoon and half the night in his room. She often visits his dragons. Vrael really hurt her, Evandar. Part of me wants to kill him, for hurting her, another part of me wants to toss him out of the forest, his home or not." I said angrily.

"Oh, believe me, Islanzadí Drottning, Vrael's punishment will be decided. We're merely working out what is going to happen and when it will happen." Oromis said coldly. I was taken aback, for a moment, the anger and brief pain shown on his face and in his voice, before thinking about it.

'Perseus became like a son to him, in their years together, didn't he? I guess the boy just had a natural charm to him, didn't he? He was liked by everyone, well, almost everyone.' I thought sadly. The boy even grew on me, something I didn't expect.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she never forgives Vrael for this. I know I won't. My student is off doing who knows what, who knows where. He could be dead for all I know." Formora spat. Anger, sadness, and pain radiating off of her.

Arya did, eventually, get a bit better. She was still sad about Perseus' leaving for his mission, but she at least no longer cried herself to sleep, though she still often slipped off to Perseus' tree, and still talked a lot to his dragons. As days turned into weeks, we all began to fear Perseus really had died. What puzzled us all, however, was the two dragons he left here. Neither of them had acted sad or inconsolable. So perhaps Perseus was still alive and well? I clearly wasn't the only one thinking this, at least I hope I wasn't.

I heard Arya shouting excitedly, "Mother, Father, Aunties. Come here, there's someone here who would like to meet you. Bring Oromis-elda, and Brom-elda, along with that jerk Vrael." I was confused. Who could she have brought? If she somehow managed to sneak someone in here, she would so get a tanning on her backside!

Glancing at Evandar, he too, seemed puzzled.

"Were we expecting anyone today?" I asked in puzzlement. He shook his head after a moment of thinking. Sighing, he and I, along with everyone else, trudged towards the entrance, and outside. We were stopped dead in our tracks, however, when we saw just who was with Arya. It was Perseus. However, his appearance was a great deal of alarm.

He was drenched, covered from head to toe, in dark black liquid, he seemed tired, and was holding his side, he had a few cuts, bruises, and gushes and scratches littering his arms and face. His left arm, was crushed, mangled, depending on what happened, it might have to be amputated.

Third Person P.O.V

After a brief moment of surprise, Perseus was grabbed and held tightly by the women, and a pat on the shoulders from the men. Perseus was just waiting for the blow up, and sure enough, it came.

"YOUNG MAN, HOW DARE YOU LEAVE AND NOT TELL ANYONE WHERE YOU WERE GOING! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SICK AND WORRIED WE WERE? HOW SAD ARYA WAS?! WHERE DID YOU EVEN GO, FOR THAT MATTER?" Formora shouted at him, her eyes glaring daggers. Arya sitting on the ground next to her, just nodding her head.

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