Part 2

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75 Years Before

After her newfound knowledge, Callista knew she had to find a way out of there. The first

thing Callista needs to know is how big this town is. Right before she could find out, a loud piercing siren echoed throughout the town. She covered her ears in agony as the sound diminished. Suddenly, a screen, similar to the one in Nebeus, appeared showing a video of everyone freaking out. Callista gazed at the screen as people shouted who got taken.

"Terrible isn't it?"

Callista turned around and was greeted by a girl around the same age as her. She had pale skin and bright gleaming green eyes. Her hair was straight and a perfect shade of golden brown ending just below her waist.

"Who are you?" Callista asked.

The girl inspected Callista very closely before speaking. "You must be one of the newcomers. My name is Venita. You must be...Callista, right?"

Callista stared at Venita. How does she know my name?

"Yes, my name is Callista. How do you know my name?"

"Everyone here knows everybody in Nebeus. There are cameras everywhere in Nebeus and

we get to watch," Venita explained, pointing at the screen.

Callista was oblivious to the cameras in Nebeus. This made Callista wonder what else was

there in Nebeus that she was too blind to see. She decided that was a problem in the future, and she needs to find a way out of this town.

"Do you know how to get out of here?"

Venita pondered if there was a way out. "I'm not sure. You can go to the council and see." "What's the council?" Callista asked, following Venita.

"The council is a group of people that have been stuck for years. Which is surprising because

when you're brought here that means you're 'special', so they can use you." "What do you mean 'special'?"

Venita stayed quiet for way too long. "Look at that we're here."

Callista looked to see an old courthouse. She looked at Venita, gesturing at the door, then she walked in.

The room was full of at least 50 people, and the moment she walked in everybody stopped to look at her. Callista walked slowly looking at all of the faces. She recognized some, but the rest were all people she had never encountered before. She kept walking until she reached the back of the room.

"What do you want, little girl?" A middle-aged man said in a booming voice.

Callista hesitated and she almost forgot why she came here. "I was wondering if there was a way out of here." Callista managed to say.

"There is no way out of here. If there was, then I wouldn't be here. Now, leave and enjoy your life here," he said, waving her off.

Callista wasn't going to leave that easily. She was determined to find a way out, and she was better sure he knew a way.

"There is a way out!" She yelled, causing everyone to listen more carefully. "You just need to find it. If there wasn't a way, then how did we get here?"

"Listen, there is no way out. Believe me, I've tried 26 times and I'm still here." The man exclaimed.

"You just listen to me and have some faith or hope-"

"Hope?! Faith!? There is no hope left!" He shouted. "Look around, everyone here has been stuck in this prison town for years. I have been here for 32 years, and some have been here for longer." He said, motioning to everyone in the room.

Callista looked around the room to see pain and suffering in their eyes. She looked back at the man to see sorrow in his eyes.

"Who's in charge? Who is responsible for this?"

"Who do you think?" He snapped. "Mayor Argyll Barnett."

Callista nodded and headed out the door. She knew it was hopeless. She can't bring back

hope in their lives, so she must find a way by herself.

Callista walked until she found where the town ended. She walked for hours and hours

finding nothing. As dusk started to fill the atmosphere, she finally reached the end of the town. When she attempted to leave, she was forced back. She tried harder and harder but to no avail. She couldn't leave.

Unexpectedly, bright lights beamed down, and she saw six guards rushing at her. Callista snatched twigs off the ground and began to throw them. It did nothing to slow them. They easily circumvented the flying twigs and continued to move toward her. She tried to fight back but they were stronger. The lights soon shone on her causing her vision to fail her. Once again, darkness consumed her. And for once, Callista was glad when darkness swallowed her. But this was a new feeling that occurred to her: failure.

Callista woke just before dawn. She found herself back in the room she had woken up last time. Her mind was foggy at first, but the recollections of last night came rushing in. She recalled how she failed to escape and how she got caught. Callista realized this won't be an easy getaway, and she had to find some way for others to assist her. But who and how?

Callista headed outside feeling the crisp cool air. Usually, Callista would opt to stay inside, but her desire to escape this place drove her outside. Callista arrived in the heart of the town, spotting 10 guards spread out. She strode past them and walked into a broken-down bookstore.

"What were you thinking!" Someone yelled, throwing an old book at her.

She quickly dodged the book and looked to see Venita fuming.

"What do you mean?" Callista questioned.

"You know exactly what I mean. Why would you try to escape? There is no way out!" Venita

said, trying to stay calm.

"How do you know about that?"

"That's beside the point," a new voice said.

Callista turned to see a boy standing there. He looked almost identical to Venita. He had the

same pale skin and green eyes. The differences were his height and hair. He was about 6'1 while Venita was around 5'2. His unruly black had slight waves that ended below his shoulders.

"Who are you? How do you know there is no way out?" Callista said.

"That is my brother, Lucais," Venita answered, glancing at him.

"Everyone here has tried to escape and failed. If you get caught, then you get killed," Lucais


"We still die if we stay here, so if we-" Callista started.

"We have a better chance of staying here than escaping," Venita snapped.

"That's the problem. You try to escape by yourself. It's impossible to escape by yourself, but

it's not impossible to escape as a group."

"We're not doing that," Lucais stated.

Callista turned her gaze to him and walked closer to him saying, "Who says we can't?" Lucais stayed motionless and looked down at Callista, then moved past her toward the door.

"The council may know everything about this prison, but every decision goes by me." He turned one last saying, "I'm the leader."

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