No chance

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"Hey Tom!" I ran up to him with a big smile on my face

He didn't turn to me or anything, he just kept on talking with some dude with a panda hat on

"Hey, uh...Tom?"

He was still ignoring me, so I did the reasonable thing to do...


I was sobbing in the bathroom while I waited for lunch to be over, I wasn't really hungry and it's been like that for a while.

I finally got the courage to get up and wash my face so I didn't look like I was crying

I ran out the bathroom to see nobody in the halls



Then I saw someone in the back of the hall walking towards me

They where significantly more taller than me, though I am really short

"Hello?" All I could do I stand still, why was I scared?

"Shouldn't you be in class young man?!"

Wait... the bell rang?

"But the bell didn-.."

"There are no excuses for why you are not in class!"

All I could do was stare... then RUN

"YOU DELINQUENT!" Those where the last words I heard before I lost the teacher

I sat in the gym closet on my phone because there is no point in embarrassing myself by showing up late and telling the teacher I was crying in the bathroom.

After I heard the bell ring I got up and went to my locker and grabbed my stuff

And as always because I never know when to quit...

Find Tommy.


After a while the bell rang and I never found Tommy but I did find a note in my locker telling me that I am useless.

What a pleasant surprise that somehow happens everyday

It's not like jokes get old or anything, ya know?

I got to my class and sat down in the back corner.

Everyone else always has a friend they choose to sit by but whenever I try and sit next to Tommy he always asks me to leave that seat so one of his "other friends" could sit there.

His excuse every time was "you sit next to me everyday! Don't be selfish Tubbo!"

I don't think he knows what "everyday" means

I think he meant once every year.

But it's gotten to the point where I just don't sit with him at all anymore.

And I just stopped trying, though it would be funny to stay in the seat next to him and have his friend yell at me to get out of the seat.

Life sucks...but it's not only school life that sucks for me.

My dad is a druggy, and a drug dealer.

We aren't broke, nor poor.

We are more average, but that's poor to the rich kids at my school.

My mom is usually never home, she is usually out with some other dude every night..

My brother clay, isn't really fully my brother, my mom hooked up with some blond dude and that's how clay was born.

Though I am the youngest, I am the mistake .

My brother is athletic, smart, charming, and straight...I think?

While I am the kid that get F's and is "girl like" because I don't have muscles and I'm apparently more "adorable" than "handsome" so my mom tried to make me an actual girl...

It failed horribly because I never cooperated and always disobeyed her, it may have always ended in me being hit my opinion it was kinda worth it.

Clay doesn't really acknowledge my existence, though when he does he treats me like a actual person and makes sure I got everything I need, but then again it's rare to have that interaction with him because he doesn't acknowledge my existence...

Loving family

Am I right?

No hope [Tubbo Angst]Where stories live. Discover now