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"You realized what you've just caused right?"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"You realized what you've just caused right?"

"You realize that I don't care?"

Abel waved Sal off as he ate his french fries. The pair sat in his office at his label. The romance rumors about him and Amala spread like a wildfire and the tabloids couldn't stop talking about them. They were constantly trending on twitter and their albums and singles skyrocketed in sales respectively ever since.

He had been ignoring every call and text since the pictures leaked because he didn't feel like talking about it. It didn't matter. What mattered was, he got Amala on his team.

Amala managed to rethink her decisions on who she wanted to sign with. Nothing was official—she was still a 'free agent'. Abel was hoping to hear from her within the next week or so.

Sal didn't like how he went about getting her to sign. It painted how he ran his company in a new light—Sal didn't feel like debunking the tabloids claims about Abel.

He spent the next hour lecturing his longtime friend about the consequences of his actions and how this was going to do nothing but come back to bite the label. Abel of course, could care less, and reassured him that he had everything handled.

Just when they were finishing their conversation, there was a knock on his office door. Abel looked up seeing Sire peek her head in shyly. Sal paused his sentence to give her a polite smile.

"What's going on Sire?"

"Hey Sal. I was just coming to let Abel know that Monte scheduled a meeting at the front with you guys."

"Cool, when?" Abel sipped from the straw of his lemonade.

"Uhh," she quickly sorted through the binder that rested against her chest. Abel let his eyes slide over her exposed cleavage and realized that he hadn't been inside of her for a while. He bit his lip boldly.

"It's scheduled for the thirteenth," she replied, looking back up in his eyes.

He licked his lips and nodded. "What time is your break?"

Sal shook his head, answering a text from his wife. Sire nervously brushed her short hair behind her ear.

"In a few minutes."

Abel glanced at the clock. It was nearly 1pm—her breaks were at 1:05. With a nod he beckoned her forward making her walk to him.

"Come around the desk."

She obliged. Abel turned his chair, catching her waist when she was close. He pulled her down on his lap, biting his soft lip when he felt her skirt rising on her thick thigh.

"I'm horny baby," he mumbled, leaning forward to inhale her vanilla bean scent. "I want you."

Sire shyly turned her head. "Abel—"

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