Chapter Five

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Hey everyone! Thanks for the support in the last couple of chapters! Take note that I'm American not British, so if I misspelled any words it's not on purpose. Thanks loves.

Let's try to get 5 votes & 5 comments on this and then I'll post chapter 6 where Harry gets involved:) I know you guys can do it! <3

Chapter Five:

*Amber's POV*

Beep beep beep beep. I can hear steady beeping the the background. Where am I? My eyes flutter open to a hospital room. Suddenly, my heart begins racing. What happened to me, I can't remember. Maybe the bartender dropped drugs into my drink, no wait, I remember getting into dad's car. Oh god, dad's car! Where is it?

A nurse, dressed in all white with her hair up in a tight bun, walks in casually and places a tray across the room. When she spins around she notices that I'm awake.

"Oh, you're awake! How wonderful," her bright eyes look at me and she smiles revealing her perfect row of teeth.

"How are you feeling?" the nurse walks over to me  fixing my blanket.

"I feel fine... Why am I here though?" i take the cup of water from the nurse and swallow the pill she handed with it.

"You were in a car accident," she answers casually. My heart drops. No, that can't be, what about dad's car?! Mum is going to kill me!

"By the way, I'm Sylvia,"

"and I'm Amber," I mutter under my breath still shocked from what the nurse said.

"Where's my mum, what about my dad's car was it wrecked?" I start throwing questions at Sylvia.

"Love, relax. Your mum is outside of your room and I know nothing about the car. I'm going to call Dr. Caren, OK?" she puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. 

"It'll be OK," she gives me a tired smile before leaving the room leaving me alone.

What about Harry? Is he OK? What if he died and all the boys will be on their own... Stop thinking like that! I yell at myself and I hear mum walk in.

"Are you OK darling? Does anything hurt? How did this happen?! And why was there a boy in your car?" mum frantically begins asking me.

"Mum calm down," I attempt to relax her.

"Ma'am you have to relax or leave," Dr. Caren says when she walks in with a clipboard.

"I'm sorry Doctor," Mum mutters embarrasses and backs away to the corner of the room where a sofa seat is placed.

"How are you feeling love?" Dr Caren asks checking my temperature, my body for any gashes, and looks into my eyes with a blinding pen light.

"I'm doing absolutely fine, I don't understand why I'm still here," I reply as a matter of factly.

"Cute," Dr. Caren replies smugly and continues on.

"So who was that boy driving the car?" she sits down on the edge of the hospital bed. Why did she just say that, mum is going to kill me. 

"Who was driving the car?!" Mum gets up abruptly. Oh no.

"I was tired, and I would've gotten in an accident either way."

"You know that was dad's car! Why would you do that? I thought I can trust you." there was no way out of this, he said he was a good driver, I don't understand.

"Ma'am please, calm down," Dr. Caren repeats sternly. Mum obeys quietly and returns to her seat, obviously furious with me.

"Do you know the answer to my question dear?" Dr.Caren asks again.

"Yes I do," I take a deep breath. 

"It was Harry Styles,"


Thanks for reading! Don't forget 5 votes and 5 comments until chapter 6. I hope you enjoyed it!

                                                                     -obeytheniall xo

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