Pink Astiblies denotes waiting for true love.

Mrs Abigail was in her late fifties her husband died two years ago so she opened her shop to feed her self Y/n met her two years ago and consoled her she always buys flowers.

Y/n: Mrs Abigail what do have in that bag I have never seen it?

Mrs Abigail scratched her neck and said.

Mrs Abigail: Uh-h No-thing w-why are y-ou as-king Lauren.

Y/n: Just like that.

Mrs Abigail: Did your dad called you?

Y/n: No it's been three months.

Y/n said sadly.

Mrs Abigail: Don't worry Lauren dear your dad loves you.

Y/n: yeah he does.

Ik you are confused why is Mrs Abigail calling Y/n Lauren but you will know it really soon.

Y/n: Bye Mrs Abigail my coffee needs me.

Mrs Abigail: Bye child take care.

Y/n left and as she was near the coffee shop her phone rang and it was her dad.

Y/n: Yes dad.

Dad: Have you had breakfast dear.

Y/n: Dad this is the third time you are calling me.

Dad: Ugh fine sweetie umm Soo about Mrs Abigail.

Y/n: I saw an unusual bag today.

Dad: That's it where you are?

Y/n: Near the coffee shop.

Dad: Perfect. I am sending them it's time get ready.

Y/n: Fine.

After a few minutes she could hear some car honks.
She saw her friend Enuwoo in the car.

Enuwoo: Get in Ms chocolate.

Y/n: Stop calling me choclate you pig.

He rolled his eyes and started the car as she hopped in and the other cars behind them also started following them.

The reached Mrs Abigail's shop and went inside.

Mrs Abigail: You are backed Lauren dear.

Y/n came and handcuffed her.

Y/n: Mrs Abigail you are under arrest for killing your husband also killing innocent people, smuggling diamonds and drugs.

Mrs Abigail: W-what are yo-u saying.

Y/n: Eunwoo check that bag.

Eunwoo: There are drugs present there choco- I mean boss.

Y/n: great confisticate them.

Suddenly other people came an grabbed Mrs Abigail.

Mrs Abigail: You are going to rgret it Lauren.

Y/n: Really?

Mrs Abigail: You don't even know my real name.

Y/n came closer and whispered into her ear.

Y/n:*whispers* Have fun in jail Mrs Shin Jeanie.

Mrs Abigail: H-ow d-o you?

Y/n: You should know my real name first.

Mrs Abigail: You bitch lemme come out once I will take my revenge I was so sweet to you all those two years.

Y/n: Yeah yeah and for your kindness you would get two options either life prison or you will be hanged.

Mrs Abigail: Who you are really are?

Y/n: Oh my bad let me introduce myself but still I won't say my real name for sure but I am th head of the Korea's intelligent department.

Mrs Abigail: What this means.

Y/n: Yes I am not jobless but acting jobless is a part of my job. Take her.

A few moments later.......

Eunwoo: You did great Y/nah.

Y/n: Hmmm But I feel bad she was so sweet to me all 2 years.

Eunwoo: YK what bad things she has done.

Y/n: Yeah.

Eunwoo: So Mr Min has called you to the office.

Y/n: Dad has?why?

Eunwoo: Currently there has been a mafia doing serious illegal stuff. an we have suspected Mr Jack and Ms Nancy.

Y/n: You mean the business partner of the Farncila enterprises the perfume company right.

Eunwoo: Yeah.

Y/n: Great so what's my undercover.

Eunwoo: Well you have to work with our officer who acts as a business man in the industry.

Y/n: Who Ryan?

Eunwoo: No.

Y/n: Then?

Eunwoo: Kim Taehyung also known as Mr V.

Well Ik you guys are confused beacause the intro is totally different from the first chapter but YK will know it soon In the second chapter well Hope you like this......

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