My Thoughts On Life

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Life in my shoes is quite interesting, since my curious mind jumps from unknown questions to another unknown question to more unknown questions. I'm sure everyone also has some deep questions they want the answer to too. Questions like What will happen in the future, How was earth formed, How did life form, Why do I exist, What will happen if everyone died, Where will I go when I die, What will happen in the world when I'm gone, How were our organs and organ systems made, and many more absurd questions. The main questions are usually about death. For example, What does death feel like? Even with these questions, we still don't know the answers. Some questions can't even be answered! Like the death questions, no dead people can come back to life and tell us what is like to be dead. If I'm being honest, I find some small things amusing. Like a flower, a phone, and even air! Everyone has some curiosity in them, some people don't even realize it.


Fear is very common, since everyone has at least one or more fears. Like what Professor Dumbledore said in the potter books- "It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more." And "Fear of the name increases fear of the thing itself." Are just examples of how fear works. As you may experienced fear, you would feel panicked and terrified, even the thought of fear can make you scared. Fear is hard to overcome since it takes a lot of courage and bravery to do that. I think fear is kind a interesting thing to have, even though it is least liked.


I think everyone deserves a chance in life, but I do NOT think everyone should have more than 2-3 chances. Small problems are no big deal, so 2-3 chances should be given. When I mean small problems, I mean people breaking your pencil, having someone bump into you at the grocery store, etc. However, bigger problems deserve 0 or 1 chance because big problems can contain a LOT of drama which is what almost nobody wants. Bigger problems can include physical fights, break ups, bullying, and more. Chances are not infinite, so if you're given a chance or more, It's probably best to not lose the chance(s).


Now, I know what you're thinking, "Why are you offending me?", well, I'm not. I don't think that your are the same as everyone nor you have to be the same, I don't think you're perfect either. I just think that everyone is special and different, and that having a bit of flaw is good. You're probably wondering why. Well, 1st, it's because everyone has unique skills and have different style. Not everyone likes the same colour, not everyone likes the same kind of food, and not everyone looks the same. Everyone has their own unique and special style and skill which NO ONE can EVER take away. 2nd of all, everyone's gotta have a bit of flaw in the body, in some sports, in some subjects, and even in reading and writing! Not everyone has a perfect life with no problems at all. You can seem perfect on the outside, but you and I know perfectly well that you're not perfect on the inside.

"Things may not appear, as they seem."-Albus Dumbledore.


Death is a funny thing that exist and it's quite mysteries. Like Albus Dumbledore said: "After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." Most people fear death, that includes me. This is usually because of the unknown realm behind death and because the people we love that are around us would grieve in pain when letting you go. We all don't know what death is like, we also don't know what happens after we die. There is a question I have in my mind, and it asks: Why do we have to face death? Different people that believes in different religions may have a variety of answers, but I feel like I need the "actual answer to this question, though it is not possible, since no dead people can come back to life and just answer our questions of the mysterious topic known has death. This leads to the next Albus Dumbledore line: "Do not pity the dead, Harry, pity the living and above all, those who live without love." The meaning behind this quote is pretty simple. It just mentions that there are people who live but without love and who are more pitiable, which is why we must spread love at all times. To face death, It's best not to fear it, but rather be open minded on what death has to offer.


Perspective's meaning is basically POV (Point Of View). This is usually used in many different conflicts and situations that may occur. In my opinion, perspective is a really important topic to understand since you would experience it nearly in all situations.

Empathy is when you, figuratively, walk in a person's shoes and to understand a person's feelings. Empathy is also another topic that interests me in many different ways and is said to be used frequently in problems and conflicts that involve some kind of emotion(s).

A possible scenario that includes perspective could be: You get hit by the bully, you hit them back. But while doing so, a teacher saw you hit the bully and asks you why did you hit the bully.
In this case, there are 3 perspectives: One perspective is you being the victim of the bully. The bully's point of view is them hitting you and your point of view is you hitting the bully back. However, the teacher witnessed you hit the bully and thinks that you were the one who started it first.

A possible scenario that includes empathy could be: You saw a kid crying while holding his knee. You saw a big scarlet red scar on his knee. You asked what happened and the kid said he tripped and injured his leg.
This is where Empathy comes in. You would feel sorrow, worry, pity, and even sadness. Though empathy may seem simple, it is actually easier said than done. Without a person that has empathy for others, a struggling person may go through depression and questions why do no one understand what they are feeling. This is quite common during teenage period.


(The subtitle says it all. These are just suggestions and advices from me. The suggestions mentioned may not apply to you.)

1. Watch a YouTube video that suits you and is entertaining for you.
This helps you distract yourself for a while and can clear your mind. If one video doesn't help, make it multiple.
2. Listen to Music
This applies to any kind of music genre. As long as it is in your liking, then it can make you feel better. You can sing or dance your heart out if you would like and you can also make a playlist just for you with your favourite hits.
3. Play video games
This has a similar effect as #1. It's just another option.
4. Tell someone
If you tell AT LEAST 1 person that you trust, you can always count on them and always have someone by your side when going through a rough time.
5. Do something you enjoy
This can be a habit or anything as long as you enjoy doing it. It's always good to clear your mind, up your mood, and distract yourself from hard times.


The way how life works is weird. The way a human thinks is also weird. Regret is something that happens when you do something wrong or not enough. But you can also regret all the times you've wasted in doing something else instead of spending time with someone. For example, if someone or something you loved and cared about disappeared in your life, whether temporarily or permanently, you would feel the sense of grief, sadness, and regret. Grief because that someone or something had died. Sadness because they're gone. And regret because you regretted of all the times you could've spent time with them and/or regretted the way you didn't show how much you appreciated them. Having them leave you is just heartbreaking and it makes your appreciation, love, and respect for them increase with a sense of regret that you could've showed the already increased emotion to them when you had the chance. I feel like everyone takes granted for things like it's unlimited or something or someone that will never die. Everyone only knows how much they love and care about someone or something when they let them go or when they leave you and the world behind. All you can do is move on which is not the easiest thing to do but it's something we ALL have to do at one point.

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