Music Class and Little league?

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Blue was the last one to be waken up to get ready like last year. She was more excited than anything, today was quite an easy day for she only had 4 classes for the day. The way classes were put in place was to make them, have a much easier time easing into there new types of classes next year. The was she sign up for classes made her have more classes on Tuesday and Thursdays than the rest of the days.

When sh was finished getting ready, and was changed all the way. Blue was given her little bag, which didn't include diapers because every class has a changing area. She had three classes that were every day which was Story time, Nap Time, and Play Time. Which ironically went in that exact order every day, besides the weekends. The only class that was on the weekends are Star Gazing, we're the little watched stars all night, hearing stories till they fell asleep. This class made it so once a week the littles could stay up as much as they want.

The other class today for her, was music. Tuesday had Little Space Basics part 2 on Tuesday with art. Same with Thursday, and the rest of the school week had the smallest schedule. Blue, is extremely excited for all her classes.

Soon Luna, Pansy, and Blue left to get to breakfast, with the fairies leading of course. The Fairies were assigned as a babysitter/nanny for the kids outside of the dorms. They made sure everything little one never got lost and were never feeling icky. They walked down the big corridors till they reached the giant doors, where house elves greeted them to help them get seated, and of course get food. 

Once they where seated at what the call the baby table, where the youngest littles sat in high chairs to eat. The house elves brought the three of them some nice fruit slices, with a sippy or bottled of milk. At breakfast the little league of quidditch would be announced for there year. All second years had to try out for there team their first year.

Madam Hootch came around to inform every student that made the team, and what position they would play. Blue made the team as the position as seeker, with all of her close friends in the house. The little league wasn't normal quidditch, it was played on toy broomsticks. The brooms only hovered as foot off the ground, the balls were all plush and enchanted. The rules were made very simple for the toddler's minds they had, and made sure that no one would not get injured in any way.

Their practice were Mondays morning and games held on Wednesday morning. So the group had to go to their practice for the morning till, 10 which is when music class begins. Blue quickly ate, along with her friends, and tried to get to the courtyard. It was right by the play ground where it's played. Blue was a seeker, Pansy a chaser alongside Ginny. Luna was the Goal keeper, and the beaters were Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott.

Madam Hooch began to explain the rules and worked individually with each little. They began to slowly work like a team, well the best they could for being toddlers and little kids. The younger two on the team was Pansy, and Blue, Blue the youngest one out of the two.
Blue had the hardest time out of all of them, for she was the smallest. They all had fun, but the bell rung letting them know it's time for music class.

Blue had music class with Luna and Pansy, after all those three don't go no where with out each other. The class was with the flips, so they would meet new students when the little got there. Professor Flitwick was the teacher for this class, and held it in the music classroom. The classroom was by the Little boys/little cubs dormitory for second years, which is far from were they are.

Lily Blue's fairy said she knew a short and quicker way to the tower. So she took the lead The three littles. They have not traveled to that part of the castle yet, because all main classes were in the main part of the castle. Blue was amazed by all the paintings of animals and people. Soon enough they got there. Thanks to Lily, they got there right before the bell rung for class to begin.

The class room was a big half circle, with instruments neatly placed in the middle. The instruments where surrounded in a half circle of cushions. In the front of the class, by the door were shelf of cubbies for the students. Then in the middle was a podium, I front of a chock bored. There where only a couple of students in the class, for this was the least interesting class to their year. The other students besides the three was, Terry Boot, Seamus Finnigan, and Romilda Vane, all in Switches/Flips house.

Blue, Luna, and Pansy sit one the cushion closest to the door, after they put their bags in their assigned cubbies. Professor Flitwick, came in, with two caregiver students behind him. The Professor quickly introduced them, the where Hermione and Blaise Zabini. Then went one to is short speech. "This class is all about musical fun, which we will learn very simple songs and instruments. This class isn't for long lectures, no not one bit. It's all about interaction, and fun. These two students will be helping me teach you and supervise you on the instruments.", the Professor spoke, before get into the introduction of each instrument.

The two caregivers went to one of the two groups to help them, learning each instrument. While Professor Flitwick wrote a nursery rhyme on the board, the began learning Old McDonald Had a Farm.

While class progressed it was over quicker then they thought it would be, which meant time for lunch. Hermione took the three girls to the Great Hall, while taking turns carrying them. Blue was getting tired and sleepy, so of course she was carried the longest. When Hermione tried to sit her down in a high chair at the table, she started to wine.

"Shhh, Blue it's ok, we are at the Great hall for lunch. Then you're next two classes are in the same room, so you'll get to nap in them. ", Hermione tried to explain to the sleepy baby in her arms. "Nah huh, me sweepy now.", Blue answered snuggling closer. So Hermione asked Trelawney if she could take her to the classroom early to lay her down. The professor agreed seeing the little one fast asleep in her arms, but told her to grab some food for her to eat when she got up. Of course for Hermione too, so she could eat now.

She grabbed some food and walked of into the corridors to the Nap and Story Time classroom. Hermione loved her sister dearly, but she might have signed up for too many classes. So tomorrow she will talking to Professor McGonacall, who made the schedules, in her Caregiver 101 Class.

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