Beginning of Year 2

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Hermione and Ron sighed in relief, for they just pulled into Hogsmeade station at school. They were stressed because they we're watching five littles on the train. The five littles were Blue, Luna, Ginny, Harry, and Neville, the two served as kind of babysitters for the five. The littlest ones were Harry and Blue, Ginny was the oldest out of them, for Luna and Neville were 2.5. So Hermione picked up Blue for the walk to the carriages, while Ron got Harry. Then they grabbed Luna and Neville's Hand, while the made sure Ginny wasn't to far.

They were all very excited to be back at Hogwarts, especially that classes have been changed up. Caregivers got to assist the Professors with littles, for the extra classes especially with how many there will be in each class. Yet they were still recommended not to hangout outside of classes, so the littles didn't get to attached to them. If the littles choose there caregivers early it could end very badly, for when they find out their caregiver selection from the sorting hat.

This year is supposed to be an easier year to start easing them to their third year, when the got through caregivers trails for the first half of third year. Then second part of third year within the beginning of the week they choose one or two at most. They could also have little siblings, for the littles might pick the same caregivers. They must make a bond to connect them forever which could effect their daily lives.

As the group walked to the carriages, they only see one with enough space for all of them to possibly squeeze in. There's was the platinum blonde boy in it reading a book, which his name is Draco Malfoy. He was very nice to any littles especially Harry and Blue, and was one of Hermione and Ron's closest friends. He noticed them approaching, he then got up to approach the back of the carriage.

"Hey, Mione, R, you need some help getting them up here?", the blonde asked with a big smile that went ear to ear."Yes of course Dray", Hermione answered with relief.

"You know Dray, you always show up when we need help. Like I don't know how you do it.", Ron added as he handed him Harry, so Draco could sit him in the buckle seat. After Harry was all buckled he went to grab Blue from Hermione to do the same. "I don't know, I guess it's pure talent" Draco replied, making the two chuckle.

They kept repeating the process with all five littles, but Hermione saw Pansy crying a few feet away from the carriage. She then went up to the little girl to help her, for she needed someone. "Hey there, what's made you so icky feeling?"' Hermione ask grabbing her up while wiping her tears. She had always a special heart for Pansy but never knew why. "No woom, in horsey ride." The little whined, while Hermione bounced her trying to calm her down. "Well princess, you can join me on my carriage, all your little friends are on there.", Hermione informs her as she got to the carriage. Hermione climbed up with Pansy, and held her while she took everyone in.

Soon Pansy calmed down, and joined the other little ones in the buckle seats. The littles went on babbling and giggling to each other, for the rarely were big now. Hermione, Draco, and Ron were deep into conversation, while keep an eye one them. Not one of them did not even notice the carriage, slowing down to a steady stop. Teachers were there to help the littles so the caregiver could get to the Great Hall.

Each professor took one of the carriages, and guided the littles to the Great Hall for the feast. Blue and her group all were in amazement to be back, at what the called home for now. They all were very excited to be back, even bouncing off the walls excited. The groups of littles and flips soon got to the Great Hall, memorized by how magical it looks every time they're come to it. The teachers got them all seated the, and got the ones needed into the high chairs.

The Sorting Hat Ceremony didn't seem take as long as it last year, for they were simply too nervous, waiting for their sorting to get done. Soon the Headmaster did his welcoming speech, and clapped for the feast to begin. Blue dug in to the food like there was no tomorrow with Luna, Pansy, and Ginny. The were quickly filled for they, were too small to tell when enough was enough.

This year they the had the same dormitory, but were allowed to invite friends to hangout, but not stay. For each house has the same dormitories till third year, the first years always had the one that opened up that year. Professor Trelawney was the one to escort the second years to their dorms, for the little girls/bunnies. The Second years first followed the professor out the dining hall. Each year there's always something new to look forward to in the dorms, like Holograms animal that will be like a nanny to the littles.

Blue was simply amazed with the common room still, and the rooms they were assigned to. She gets the same crib this year, and each year the get a new plush friend to welcome them back. Blue dragged her friend to play in, the little castle till it was close for them to go to bed. When the little ones got ready for bed, with the help of Nanny hologram Pinky. They were all tucked in with their plush friends, that were lined in their beds. Blue's new one was even smaller than her pink cow. It was a scented yellow bear with a red shirt, she named him Pooh Bear. Blue had a total of five now, Bun Bun, Dino, Strawberry, Pooh Bear, and unicorn named Peppermint. Peppermint was the biggest one out of all the plushies.

Blue wished her best friend good night, before she rolled over to watch the Mobile. She cuddled close to her stuffed friend and slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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