First classes

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The littles were sleeping peacefully, as the sun comes up. Soon the light bell rung through the dorms, as a teacher enter, quietly to help the really young students get ready for the day. The teacher was Professor Trelawney, she has always done this tasks, for her classes are in the afternoons. She loved her job, even if it had dirty diapers in the mix. She Gently woke each little up starting from oldest to youngest, for she knew the youngest would need the most help.

She got each uniform from each dresser which includes a pink onesie with a purple collar, that had the crest of their house on it, black leggings, pink socks, little shoes that matched and their little robes that are fitted for their size. She slowly gets Luna and Parvati ready, for they were too sleepy and little to do so themselves. She then sent them to there cribs to wait for their fairies, for they must not travel without them. She then turned to Pansy and did the same for her, but she clung on to teddy bear which made it more difficult.

She finally got to Little, baby Blue where she laid awake in her crib. She put the rails down to pick her up and carried her to get changed for the day. She was by far the most difficult to change, for Blue was very grumpy. Professor Trelawney managed to get it done, tho it took some compromises. She brought Blue out, and sat her on floor so she didn't fall out the crib. She got them each one little backpack, to put their pacifiers, a stuffed friend in, and a extra sensory toy.

"Ok you beautiful princesses, it time for breakfast. I see each of your fairy are ready to go so please follow them to the Great Hall.", the professor said, as she went to the next room to supervise.

Blue got up, as she grabbed her little bag, and started walking with Luna. "Are you weady for todays Blue?",Luna asked , as the walked with their fairies. "Yep, I am.", Blue replied, with a big smile, as she waddled down the hall. In the hallways there where many pictures to make sure the little ones don't get hurt. They babbled one while the walked, and soon after what seem like a long walk they we're finally there.

Hermione ran up to her sister and picked her up into a hug. "How was your night Blue, I hope fantastic. Just like as mine was.". She greeted her sister. "And I hope yours was the same Luna.", she then added, as she grabbed her hand to lead them to the tables with high chairs. "It was gweat.", Luna replied, " Yep.", Blue then agreed.

"I know caregivers and littles aren't supposed to interact, but I can't just not see my sister. If you two need anything please let me know.", Hermione informed them, while she fastened them into high chairs. She then gave them one last hug, before she went to join her new friend at the caregiver table.

Soon the house elves came and gave the two little a nutritious meal, of what they were allowed to eat. They began to messily eat as, others joined them at the table. Two boys were sat across from them, one name Harry Potter and the other named Neville Longbottom. They all for babbled and laughed as they ate, enjoying their time together.

Before they all knew it they were getting taken out of their high chairs to go to their first class, which was The Basics of Little space part 1. They had it with the little boys, so they now can sit with their new friends that they made. Luna, Harry, Neville, and Blue, all walked very excitedly for their first class with Professor Flitwick. As they walked they looked around the giant hallways, as their fairy guides take turns give them fun facts about the school. They left breakfast a bit early so they could get to class on time, after all they are new students.

They soon approached a door that said little basics on a decent sized plaque. Sage the fairy, which was Harry's, open the door with the wave of his hand, so the group could enter the class room. The room looked perfect for little ones, boys, and girls, to learn in. There was cubby one the side of the room, little table spread out around the room. There was even and area made to sit on the floor, that had a very short table with cushions all around it. Their was a podium at the front of the room, with one big white bored, and one small one. The smaller one had all there names, that were in the class, and said rewards on it.

The group decided to sit on the floor area today, but the fairies did make sure they put their small bags into the cubbyholes they were assigned. Blue was the first one to start trying to color a picture of a cow, she was making a very messy pink cow. The group slowly joined in, to focused on their pictures to speak.

Before the group knew it class began, as the bell sounded. The Professor for this class is Professor Flitwick, he began to explain the rules of the class. Followed by the reward they get at the end of the year if they were good, it was any plushy the could ever dream of having. Blue had always wanted a pink cow that looked like a bean, that was very soft and squishy, that she wanted to name Strawberry. With that announcement came excitement, but before long they went one to find out what they would be learning.

They would be learning that year the basics, and all they needed to know. Yet the must important thing they would be learning was if they were also a pet regresser, mixed into their little selves. If the were, they the year after, when the come back they will have animal ears of there favorite animal with tails to match it. It would start to grow in towards the end of the year, which even caused more excitement in the class.

As class went on, they learned all about what the class held for them this year. Soon the bell rang and the littles rushed out to their very next thing on their schedules.

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