„Yes, my master. Everything is falling into place."

„Is everything set?"

„She is prepared to do as we asked."

„Good. We will have everything, wolf. Very soon"


Selene could see packs arriving, from the bedroom window. She chose to wear her dress. After Sam, a pack member in charge with cleaning, saw how badly destroyed it got after her fight with the rogues, she offered to repair it. It looked like new. Selene preferred fighting in it, but it also portrayed her character perfectly. It was a piece of her home, a piece of her and she would go through this challenge with it close to her heart. She jumped at the feeling of arms circling her waist, too engrossed in her thoughts to notice Maximus entering the room.

„You look breathtaking, moon." She smiled at him and pecked his lips.

„I love you"

„I love you too, Selene. Everything will be ok, trust me"

Hand in hand, they followed the sound of the wolves gathered in one place. It was mandatory for all Alphas and gammas to attend the challenge, as the betas would take care of the pack for that time. Most important, the High Order would attend. The challenge could not start until their arrival.

The murmurs stopped alltogether when Maximus and Selene revealed themselves through the door. Shocked faces could be seen everywhere, either because of the power emanating from the Royal pair, from the sight of Selene or from the mark on her neck. One could not tell. Her presence was enchanting. Ironblood got used to this, but being the first time in front of the Kingdom, they were speechless. Different opinions surging from the crowd.

„She looks regal!"

„Look at her dress"

„Oh my, the King marked her already."

„She is...a human"

Selene payed them no mind, as she knew Ironblood's opinion mattered the most to her.

„Erebus" ,began Maximus. „This is a special day for our Kingdom, a sacred ocassion, followed and kept through the decades." Selene knew Maximus would ban this challenge for her if he could and his words were a front to the Kingdom. „Today, our future Luna Queen, my soulmate, will fight in front of you, the wolves of Erebus, for her rightfull place. But most of all, she will fight before the Goddess Artemis." Cheers could be heard. 

What a sorrowful picture.. Selene thought. They are looking forward to a battle, instead of focusing on what really matters now.. In a moment, the entire atmosphere changed. Wolves began cowering behind their Alphas. Selene turned her head in the direction they were all looking, only for Maximus to shove her behind his body, covering her from view.

Five old, frail men were walking with slow steps towards them. Their faces were serious and straight, with no emotion. You had to be a fool to not realize this was the High Order. They looked scary, intimidating. To Selene, they looked like old people, normal. She saw the wolves' hesitation to make the smallest step. 

What is going on? Who are these people? Her eyes went to Maximus, only to see his cold stature directed to the elders. Is there something I'm not seeing? Suddenly, all packs, including the alphas, bowed their heads. It looked like the higher in power struggled to stop their movements, but it was like they were controlled. Maximus didn't move an inch. Selene saw one of the elders looking at her, his gaze penetrating her, as if he was waiting for something. His eyes went wide in surprize at her stillness.

The High Order moved towards them, but Selene kept herself calm and composed, not flattering. In an instant, the packs raised their heads, but she payied no mind to their stares. The elder stood in the middle approached Maximus and Selene, hands behind his back. The tension could be felt by everyone. Is he trying to... make me submit? At the thought, Selene's eyes hardened and she moved around Maximus, standing in from of him, directly in the face of the elder. The air was still and it felt like forever until the man in front of her showed a crooked smile.

„You must be Selene. I've heard a lot about you."

She didn't respond. Instead, she took one more step closer to him. His face showed a slight movement of shock that only Selene caught. he was not expecting for her to be so bold. Her blue eyes stared into his dark, black ones, looking for answers. It only took a second for her to realize that this man, of the High Order, supposed to have the same authority as the King, was the most veil creature she has seen. Her face didn't portray the shock she felt deep within, but remained calm. She retreated back to Maximus, taking his hand. He looked at her with the corner of his eye, a movement only she would see. Maximus felt Selene's emotions going wild and squized her hand tighter. A sign for his understanding.

„Well, Alpha Maximus, you are a lucky man."

Maximus growled at him, not liking the assumption and disrespect.

„Oh, there's no need for animalistic behaviour, King. I only mean to say that you are lucky to have found your mate." The old man grinned at him. Everyone could sense the mocking tone behind the word ‚King', but Maximus couldn't make a scene right before the Challenge.

„Let's get to it. Erebus wolves, let the Challenge begin!"

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