~CHAPTER FIVE - It's not cauliflower based right?~

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There was a knock on the door and I stood up to open it. When I open the door I see Julie and Jamie.

"We're here!" Julie says walking through the door hugging me as if I hadn't seen her just four hours ago.

"Juliette!" My grandma has always loved Julie. Just as Julie sees me as her adoptive daughter, grandma thinks of her the same way. Sometimes I forget that they are not blood, we spend so much time together that it's hard to remember that they aren't blood. They will always be family though.

Grandma basically pushes me out of the way to hug her. Julie smiles giving her purse to her husband and hugs grandma.

"I swear she loves Jules more than me." Mom say taking a sip of her wine. Dad chuckles quietly and fist bumps Monica who was also chuckling.

"Stop it with the nonsense Olivia. I love Taylor more, then Julie, then you." Grandma says and I let out a laugh. Taylor is my dad's name.

"Haha." She says sarcastically.

"Sweetie of course I love you more." Grandma says and I close the door as she goes to sit by grandpa again.

"So Jessie, did you choose a school?" Jamie asks and I nod.

"Yes I did. Drumroll please." I say and Ya-Ya and Monica start tapping their laps continuously. "I'm going to... Stanford."

"Jessie that's an amazing school." Jamie says and I nod. He walks over to me and hugs me.

"JJ you are going to thrive there."

"Thank you Jake." They all take their turns congratulating me, and I honestly can't believe that this is happening. I'm leaving to go to college in three months and I graduated today and I went on a date.

"Okay now time for my favorite part of the evening." Grandma gets the phone basket and places it on the table. "Hand them over children and adults of all ages."

We put our phone in the basket and before I can put mine in I get a message from Kay.

"Grandma can I take this quickly before I put it in the basket?"

"Five minutes and then I'm hunting you down." she says and I kiss her cheek before walking outside.

Red-headed Barbie: CALL ME!!

I call her and she answers almost immediately.

"What's wrong?"

"YOU WENT ON A DATE!?!?" is the first thing she screams into the phone as soon as she picks up almost leaving me deaf.

"Where the fuck did you hear that so quickly?"

"Honey. May I remind you that I am friends with your boyfriend's sister?"

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