Chapter 12 - The Operation to Retake Trost

Start from the beginning

"Annie, I love you, I'll see you after this mission is over." I wrapped my arms around her knowing all the death we were about to see again.

"I love you too Y/N, just promise me you'll come back." Annie put her arms over my shoulders lacing them behind my neck.

"Always." I leaned down kissing her passionately for a few seconds separating and going our own ways.

"Sir." I walked next to one of the captains while on top of the walls. "My squad was wiped out during the initial battle, what team am I to be put on?"

"Tell me your name Cadet."

"Y/N L/N, sir!" 

"Oh this is great timing, orders from the commander has you over there with Squad Captain Ian." He said pointing me in the direction of captain Ian and heading off. 'Isn't squad captain Ian with the elite team protecting Eren? '

"Captain Ian, I was told I was assigned over here." I said from behind him. 

"L/N is it?" He asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Drop the 'sir,' just call me captain or Ian, and yes you're with us. I saw your report from the initial attack and placement in the cadets and thought you'd be needed with us." 

"Thank you captain, so what's our squads plan?" 

"Pretty much the same as the commander explained, we take Eren to the boulder and keep Titans off him while he carries it."

"Anyways we have to get moving, let's go!" He said running and meeting up with the rest of the elite squad. consisting of 3 different individual squads, and Eren with Mikasa.

"Let's go it's time to begin." Ian announced as we charged down the walls towards the rock. "He called you a top-secret weapon, but as long as you can seal that hole I don't care! We'll protect you at all cost! We're counting on you Eren!"

"Right!" Eren said determined. 

"Eren. Are you all right?" Mikasa asked.



"Seriously, I'm fine! I'm much better than when we were surrounded." Eren cut off Mikasa. 

"Quit playing house Eren!" Rico one of the squad captains said stepping between the two while we're running. 

"It isn't like that!" Eren snapped back. 

"I can't believe the fate of mankind is in the hands rests in the hands of a coddled brat like you." Mitabi, another of the captains said. 

"That's enough! All of you! We're almost to the shortest route to the rock" Ian broke up the tension before Mikasa ripped that guy apart. 'There's no Titans, Armins plan must be working.'

"Just so you're aware, Jaeger. More than just a few soldiers will die during this operation, all for you. Our colleagues, our juniors, and our seniors. They're prepared to die of course, they're soldiers. But, they aren't faceless pawns. They have names, families, and hope and dreams of their own. Alyosha, Dominic, Fine, Isabel, Ludwig, Martina, They're all real people flesh and blood. Some have lived under the same roofs since their cadet years. It's you're duty to make sure their deaths aren't in vain. Keep that in your pampered-"

"Shut up." I interrupted her sick of hearing her spout. "You're annoying, haven't enough people hampered on him already. Besides not everyone likes to hear you vent aloud." 

"Huh? What'd you say Cadet!?" Rico stopped running and grabbed me by my collar. 

"You're. Annoying." I stared her dead in the eyes grabbing her wrist and forcing it off my collar.

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