Part 1

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Once again, Takemichi had found himself back in the past, trying to work out what had gone wrong this time. Today was a meeting with the rest of Toman and somehow Takemichi had found himself walking with Mikey and Draken on his way to the meeting, though Mikey insisted on stopping by a nearby bakery for some, as he described it, 'much needed' dorayaki. While Mikey waited in the queue, Takemichi stood back under the tree with Draken, waiting for Mikey to return with his goodies. He looked down, kicking his feet to the ground as they were waiting; all he could think about was what possible could have gone different this time to still result in a bad ending. The thought crossed his mind about something Kisaki said to him back in his own time; 'Imagine losing the person you love then watching everyone else around you play happy families.' This timeline left Takemichi with a lot of questions. 

Was Hinata really killed this time out of jealously and spite? Takemichi hummed, rubbing his chin his index finger and thumb. That was insane, Mikey has said himself, he would never hurt a lady. "Ah, seriously nothing?" Mikey's whines brought Takemichi out of his thoughts. He turned around, grumbling to himself as he continued to walk off with no care that Draken and Takemichi were being left behind.

"Damnit Mikey," Draken sighed, knowing that before they left, he told Mikey to be quicker as on this particular day of the week always saw the dorayaki being sold quicker. "Let's hurry to catch up with him, Takemichi."

"Yeah," Takemichi nodded. Mikey sure was passionate about his sweets.

As they turned to leave in the same direction as Mikey, they were stopped by a girl calling out to them. "Excuse me," They turned, seeing a chocolate haired girl, her hair tied up in a tight ponytail and holding out a plastic bag. "It's not much, but these are the dorayaki I messed up." Draken reached over taking the back, he picked inside, indeed they weren't perfect, not burnt but the imperfections were there, meaning these weren't presentable in the bakery cabinets. "Your friend always seems to come as we've ran out, but he's welcomed to those."

Takemichi panicked, struggling for his wallet, not wanting the girl to get in trouble and making sure they weren't just walking away with stock. "Please don't worry about it," The girl waved her hands up. "We can't sell them anyway."

Draken smiled, walking over and patting the young shop assistant's head. "He'll enjoy these," He spoke softly, making the girl blush. The corner of Takemichi's mouth twitched, was Draken finding another girl? Emma was surely going to be pissed if that was the case. Heck, even Hinata might throw hands to defend Emma's honour. "I'll make sure he thanks you next time he's in school."

With that Draken, turned, pulling Takemichi along by the collar, making him choke. Takemichi managed to get free by the time they met back up with Mikey who was pouting with his hands in his pockets; a tantrum that would rival a child's. Draken smirked, dangling the bag in front of Mikey's face. The rustling of the bag and the contents peeking through the clear plastic raised Mikey's mood in an instant. Mikey reached up, taking the bag, using one arm to cradle it as he dug in with the other, pulling one of the dorayaki out and immediately taking a bite. "Sometimes I forget he's the boss of Toman," Takemichi laughed.

"He has simple needs," Draken said. "But he's lucky today, that girl must have been saving those to take home."

Takemichi raised a brow, remembering something Draken had said to the girl earlier. "How did you know that she was from your school? You know her or something?"

Draken shook his head. "I noticed our schools tie peeking out the apron," Draken used to his to point at his collar. "A third year at that, so same grade as Mikey and me. She must be in the other class though, as I've not seen her before."

The fact that you guys don't really go to school probably plays a part in that too, Takemichi sighed. He looked at Mikey, seeing how happy Mikey seemed as he continued to devour the dorayaki. After the meeting Takemichi decided to go visit Hinata, just wanting to see her smiling face to bring him some ease. The pair stood on the balcony outside of the apartment entrance, looking over to the streets. Being late at night, Hinata was in her night clothes, using a cardigan to cover her shoulders to keep her warm. Her head rested on Takemichi's shoulder with a loving smile on her face. Takemichi moved his hand to place on Hinata's head, pulling her in closer and resting his head on hers. All this jumping and fighting was all for her, for Hinata to grow up happy and live a life she deserves. Takemichi's eyes widened, realising perhaps Mikey is about to meet the love of his life and something happens to her to make him resent the relationships around him?

He was a genius!

Naota walked out, interrupting their hugging session as they pulled part. "Mom says it's time to come in now," He grumbled rubbing his eyes.

Takemichi walked overreaching out his hand, "Have a good sleep buddy." He grinned Naota in his sleepy daze taking his hand.

When Takemichi woke up, he was in the apartment he previously left, a fancy high end apartment, a reward for his hard work for Toman. That was according to this version of Naoto, who was leant against the kitchen counter. "Well, something has changed," He sighed. "So, want to tell me what it was?"

Takemichi's face warped from confused into a cocky smirk as he gave a thumbs up. "If my instinct is correct Mikey," Takemichi took a pause, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Gets a girlfriend!"

He expected praise but instead Naoto inhaled and exhaled, resisting the urge to throw something heavy at Takemichi. If he understood correctly, his sister dies this time because Mikey is "Heartbroken?"  

Mikey And The Dorayaki Girl (Mikey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now