A Goal for the future

Start from the beginning

For the next few minutes Izuku was traveling at fast speeds in the sky and he was loving every second of it.

From the wind blowing in his hair, to the rushing sounds he would make whenever he changed directions. Everything about flying left Izuku feeling exhilarated.

Deciding to make his way back to the beach he suddenly realized something that he hadn't thought of.............how does he stop.

Panicking and trying to figure out a way to stop Izuku decided that his best bet for now was to just crash into the ocean and swim to shore.

For all the notes he read and videos he watched from his mentor, Izuku hadn't read the notes on the background information on devil fruits that Marco had left him.

Thus, he was unaware of the major weakness of a devil fruit user. That being that a devil fruit user will be practically useless if they are in any type of water that is "still", such as rivers, lakes and if unlucky the large open ocean.

That is why when he crashed into the seawater, he became even more concerned as he felt all his energy leave his body and was soon struggling to stay afloat.

He was in such a panicked state that he didn't even notice that he had reverted back into his regular form.

The more he struggled the more energy he wasted and soon his vision started to dim. But before he lost consciousness he saw what appeared to be vines heading his way and mentally thanked whoever or whatever had seen him struggling and was trying to help him.

???? Later

As Izuku slowly began to regain consciousness he sat up and shook off any remaining cobwebs. He soon became aware of his new surroundings.

Instead of the soft sand that he expected to wake up on, he was instead laying down on a rather soft bed with a blanket covering him.

This confused him at first until he realized that he was almost completely naked except for his boxers which were still covering his privates.

Relieved he looked around and noticed that he was in a rather small room with just the bed he was sleeping on being the only furniture in the room. And in front of him was just a simple wooden door separating him from the rest of wherever he was.

Deciding to get a better picture of his surroundings Izuku closed his eyes steadied his breath and began to focus on his observation haki as much as he could.

It only took a few seconds for the darkness of his vision to begin to change.

He was soon able to see silhouettes of multiple sizes outlined by a blue color begin to appear. Almost all of them appeared to looked like those of young children, with him guessing that the biggest one was the adult.

Focusing more he was able to see that the big silhouette and a couple of the smaller ones were heading his direction, most likely to check up on him.

It wasn't long until he could hear footsteps at his door and with it came multiple voices.

"Hey hey Nii-chan when will mister broccoli wake up?" said a voice that he could guess came from a young girl.

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