From the Ashes rises a Phoenix

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It has officially been seven months since Izuku meet his mentor Marco and began his training. Over the time he has spent with his sensei Izuku had learned a lot more than just throwing punches and kicks, through his training Izuku was able to think faster on his feet and even surprised his mentor with being able to use his environment to his advantage when fighting.

Since the day he unlocked his armament Haki Marco had taken it upon himself to train Izuku by fighting him one on one. Through this, he was able to  teach Izuku how to harden his haki to the point where he was able to turn it into a shiny black color like his. At first Izuku was amazed at the dark armor that coated his arm, but when he first fought with his mentor he had been able to feel the clear difference in power in their haki. But never being one to stop and give up he pushed himself hard to make his sensei proud.

And as he looked at the blue ocean in front of him he could only let out a smile as he remembered finally being able to match his sensei blow for blow. And even though he knew that in a real fight his mentor could still easily kick his ass, he was glad that he was able to come so far and push himself so hard as his goal of being a hero started becoming more visible. With the help of both his armament haki and his unique observation Haki he knew he could do it.

Izukus observation haki was something that even Marco had to admit was quit amazing. Izuku had not only been able to quickly use foresight, but with just a little more training he was also able to use the other functions of observation Haki, although to a lesser degree than his foresight. And even though Izuku still pushed himself to improve his Haki, Marco had to constantly force Izuku to relax so he wouldn't overwork himself.

Overtime Izukus friendship with Mei had also grown. She had come to watch his training since the day they meet. After each training session with his sensei Izuku would begin his physical training of cleaning up the beach and while he was doing that Mei would make use of that time to have him move things around making it easier for her to get parts she needed to make her babies a lot easier.

On occasion Izuku would also, although regrettably, become her test subject for gear she had made that most time ended up with Izuku using his foresight to fix the gear before trying it out and causing explosions.

Right now we find Izuku once again laying on the ground catching his breath, another day of his training being done he had decided to lay down to catch his breath and take in the scene in front of him. As he looked over the now clean beach he could only feel pride in himself for accomplishing what he had set out to do. It had taken him almost eight months, but here he was sitting inside the once garbaged filled beach.

Turning his head and taking in the view of the ocean he began to think back on the last couple of months since he meet his sensei. Izuku would be the first to admit that his sensei was a real hard ass that drove him into the ground everyday. But he was thankful for that, not that he was some type of masochist or anything, but because it was something he needed.

Since being diagnosed as quirkless, Izukus mother had taken upon babying him from the world. And even though he loved his mother to death he knew that all her attempts to protect him from the cruelty of the world had been in vein.

He had never told her about what he had gone through while at his former school. Nor did he ever tell her about what the son of her best friend made him go through. He did this not because he didn't believe she wouldn't take him seriously, but because he knew that just like him she had also suffered from being known as the women with a quirkless son.

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