The Stoic Girl

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As Izuku made his way through the local mall he couldn't help but try and fail to fight the blush that was on his face. The reason for this was quit simple. I mean it's pretty hard not to stare at a 6'8 muscular man that didn't have a shirt on. And the looks that he was receiving from some of the ladies he passed definitely told him that they definitely liked what they saw.

Lucky for Izuku he was able to arrive at the store he was looking for quickly and he was able to buy some new shirts, shoes and pants. Although as he left the store he had to fight down another blush as he was "secretly" passed the cashiers phone number.

The only positive female interactions that he ever experienced was with either his mother and his friend Mei, and the latter was still his newest experience. So all this new attention from the female population was leaving him slightly uneasy as it was all new to him.

Shaking off those thoughts he decided to walk around for a bit before heading back home, after all he still needed to explain his new changes to his mother. So for now he just decided to clear his mind by walking around and taking in the nights cold air.

After a while of walking Izuku found himself at an intersection waiting for the light to turn green. As he waited he noticed that he wasn't alone, just a few feet ahead of him he saw a young lady that appeared to be his age, and had a blank look on her face as she also waited for the light to change color.

As he glanced at her, his eyes suddenly flashed red and he soon found himself once again looking at his foresight from a third persons perspective. In his world Izuku saw how the light turned green and soon the girl he was looking at began to make her way across. However he soon noticed a speeding car, that was being tailed by officers heading towards her. He saw as the car didn't attempt to slow down and before the girl was hit he was snapped back into the real world.

To his horror, as he came back to the regular world he noticed that the light had turned green and the girl had begun to make her way across. Before he could get the girl's attention he looked at the road and noticed the speeding car already heading towards their direction picking up speed as it was quickly approaching. Deciding to act Izuku through his bags on the ground and launched himself towards the girl who had stopped in fear as she noticed the speeding vehicle.

As her eyes widen while she looked at the approaching car she was unprepared for someone to slam into her and within a split second both of them had barely missed being hit. She soon found herself rolling on the ground and ending on top of something soft as both skidded to a stop.

When she regained herself she noticed that she was being held in a tight embrace. As she looked up at the face of the person who had saved her life she saw a rather handsome man smiling softly at her. "Just in time. Are you okay?" Hearing his question she just gave him a slight nod, but other than that she didn't make any attempt to move out of his grasp as she was still shocked at what had almost happened to her.

Letting out a sigh Izuku carefully stood up, making sure to be careful as to not hurt the shocked girl. Once he was finally on his feet he gently placed the girl on her feet, now noticing the huge height gape between the two of them.

"Sorry for pushing you like that, but it was the only way I could get you out of the way from that car" he said while nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

As the girl just kept looking at him with an expressionless face he began to worry that she was still in shock. However, before he could fuss over her safety once again he looked her directly in her eyes and what he saw left him mesmerized. Although her face showed no expression, the same couldn't be said about her eyes.

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