(Only he is not agreeing otherwise I would have run away with him!)

"Leave it Now! Where are Kashu and Neer?" Mira asked.

"I saw Neer talking to Mamaji as he and Mamiji came and Kashish was with Teena, they are having a good bond!" Neha told her which made Mira make her mouth an o shape.

While talking to them, neither Mira nor Kabir and Neha had any Idea that someone was hearing their conversation.

It was Yug.

When Mira left his Room, he realized how he behaved, he didn't want to but his mind was somewhere else, something related to Mira so that time he didn't realize and when he did, he came here running to her but stopped hearing her.


Time Skip...

"Don't you have eyes?" A girl shouted in anger.

"Why? can't you see by your own?" Mira said sarcastically making Kabir, Neer, Kashish, Neha, Teena, and Abhir laugh.

They all were sitting in the garden area when a girl came and bumped into Mira.

"YOU!! How can you speak to me like this?!?" She said furiously.

"Um, I think god gifted me a mouth to speak." Mira replied casually looking at her nails.

"Don't you know who I am?!?" That girl asked in anger.

"Well, I am not even interested" She said looking into her eyes.

That girl became more furious and in anger, She was about to raise her hand at Mira but Kabir interrupted.

"Shanaya!! Don't you dare to raise your hand or I will make sure you regret it!!" he said firmly.

"But you saw Kabir, how she was back answering me" Shanaya said glaring at Mira.

"So what huh? What do you think of yourself that no one can answer you back? Lady, keep that attitude to yourself, No one is your servant here who will listen to you, first, try to be polite then expect respect from others" Mira said in anger such things irritate her the most.

"And who you think you are huh?" Shanaya asked folding her arms.

"Well, I don't think you are eligible to know who I am" Mira replied making her more frustrated.

"It was your mistake Shanaya you bumped into Mira, so you should apologize," Kabir told her.

"Me and apologies? Never and to her? Not even in my dreams, she is the one who should apologize." she said rolling her eyes.

It made Mira more annoyed, She wants to pull a fight? Okay then!

But Before she could say something Neer came from behind.

"Mira, leave it if she doesn't want to apologize! We should go" Neer said and held Mira's hand.

"You----" Shanaya got cut in the middle by Mira.

"Enough Now if you don't want to apologize then it's ok at least don't create a scene here guests are coming" Mira said and went from there frustratedly with Neer or we can say he took her.

Everyone left from there no one was interested in this drama.


"Who was that piece of sh*t?" Mira asked Kabir when they were in the room.

"She is Mom's so-called Friend's daughter" he replied

"Why the hell did you invite her? I can't tolerate her!" Mira snapped at him.

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